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𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 Adelaide as they both entered her room, both pissed about the accords and what effect they may have on the team. The wind was cool through her large open windows, and as soon as Wanda shut the door behind them Adelaide whipped around to face her, livid.

'They can't do that, they can't... take ahold of our lives like that surely?!' Adelaide asked, looking around her room desperately. Wanda attempted to calm her down inside her mind, but Adelaide's fear pushed her out. 'Wha- What's going to happen to us? We aren't US citizens, Wanda!' Tears began to fall out of her eyes, down onto her carpet where they sizzled and burnt the cream.

Wanda walked forward and held onto her wrists and steadied her friend. 'Hey hey hey.... We're going to be fine, we're going to get through this and we'll do it together.' Adelaide looked at her in longing and pleaded softly. Wanda smiled gently and took Adelaide in an embrace, gripping her back while the white haired girl sobbed into her neck.

'I'm so scared, Wan.'

'Me too.'

And the tears stopped falling, and they were replaced with a sparkle as the girls sat down and fell asleep, side by side and minds open and inviting.


When they'd woken up to the warm sunshine still streaming through, they made their way downstairs into the living room, their eyes meeting that of the Avengers. Adelaide heard snippets of conversation, bits of Sam's voice, then Rhodes arguing and defending the Accords. Bastard.

The girls sat themselves next to Vision, who smiled at Wanda but blanked Adelaide completely as usual. 'I have an equation.' He stated, stopping Rhodes' and Sam's argument and making them turn to face him. Steve sat in front of the pair, reading through the accords as Sam rolled his eyes at Vision.

'Oh yeah no this will clear it up.' Sarcasm entwined with Sam's tone and Adelaide smiled at him.

'In the eight years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man the number of known enhanced persons,' He shot a look to Wanda, then at Adelaide who frowned.

'Don't look at me, toaster. I was born this way, au naturale, baby.' Adelaide responded, unaware of the incorrect use of the term she'd used. Pietro, who was situated on the complete opposite side of the room, sniggered at her fault.

'has grown exponentially.' Vision concluded, ignoring Adelaide's remark entirely. 'During the same period the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurate rate.' Steve looked up from where he read at Vision's words.

'Are you saying it's our fault?' Steve had never taken a liking to Vision, neither had Adelaide. Vision looked at Steve with respect in his eyes but no kindness or friendship.

'I'm saying there may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge, challenge invites conflict and conflict.... breeds catastrophe. Oversight....' Vision continued, looking at every member as they perched on chairs and sofa arms and on tables. 'Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand.'

'Boom.' Rhodes turned to Sam and flaunted his "win" in the argument, to which Sam just rolled his eyes.

'Tony?' Natasha questioned the slumped billionaire. 'You're being uncharacteristically non-hyperverbal.' Tony brought a hand to his brow, before putting it down again and looking at Natasha square in the eye. Adelaide didn't want to bother listening to the conversation and instead broke into her own silent conversation with Pietro in his mind.

'Are you scared?' She asked, already partially knowing the answer. 'Just think about your answer, like talking to yourself in your mind, I can hear that.' She instructed and he did as he was told, looking across the room at her, sat behind his sister.

'No, I am not scared. For I know, Adelaide, that wherever I go you shall be with me. You and Wanda.' He smiled at her, his green eyes lighting up the room. Neither girl or boy could hear the conversation around them as they focussed on each other.

'I am.' She responded, being brutally honest with her friend. His smile did not waver at that.

'I know.' Was his simple reply. Nothing more, nothing less. It was all she needed to hear and they both rejoined the talk outside Pietro's mental plain.

'If we don't do this now, it will be done to us later. That's the fact and it won't be pretty.' Tony argued, looking at Steve. Wanda's expression experienced no change from that of thought and contemplation.

'You're saying they'll come for me. For us.' She looked over at Pietro and Adelaide, who spoke up.

'Anyone lays a fucking hand on you, I'll rip them into ribbons.' Adelaide threatened, loud enough to establish the fact she'd do it to anyone, including one of the few sat aside her right now. Natasha continued talking, but the girl's just stared at each other, not noticing at all until Nat gestured towards them unintentionally.

'We have made some very..... public mistakes.' Adelaide grimaced at her words, hurt that she'd said them and she held onto Wanda's ringed hand. 'We need to regain their trust.' Adelaide scoffed before speaking.

'I'm not signing that shit. You can't make me.'

* .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.

'We won't be gone long, stay in the compound. Vision, Wanda and Pietro are gonna be here.' Natasha assured as she picked up her bags and walked off. 'Don't just eat pot noodle!' She called behind her at an already scheming Adelaide. The UN meeting was to happen in Vienna and Tasha needed to be there and attend, but Adelaide wasn't allowed to come and neither were the twins. Tony had practically enlisted Vision with babysitting.

'Anything happens to her,' He'd said to the AI before he left. 'I swear to god-' Vision interrupted him before he could finish his threat.

'Mr. Stark.' Vision looked at Tony with a small smile on his face, and Tony patted his back. 'I will take the best care of her, we may not see eye to eye, but I believe her to be misunderstood. Am I... correct? In this observation?' Tony just nodded, placing his sunglasses on his eyes and leaving.

The compound was fairly lively and fun, Pietro and Adelaide sprinting around and Wanda and Vision sitting down watching The Dick Van Dyke Show. After they'd become too tired, Pietro and Adelaide sat together next to the pair on the chouch, Adelaide's fingers interlocking with Wanda's as they watched the show with intent.

Hours of the show had passed, and when it was late, they realised that the UN meeting would be very soon.

'We should turn on the news before we miss it.' Vision suggested and Adelaide switched the channel effortlessly with her mind. But all they saw was a building, up in flames. The UN building. And falling from it:


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