Adventure Seeking

Start from the beginning

     She looks around, spotting the dance floor, "I'm going to go dance."

     "Okay." I say, watching her wander off into the sea of sweaty bodies.

     :     :     :     :     :

     Will POV:

     "Why are we doing this again?" Dylan asks me as our group walks down the street.

     Boys night out right now. It was difficult getting Thomas and Dylan to agree to come, seeing as they had a bit of a falling out a few days ago. But now, Dylan, Thomas, Ki, Chris and I walk down the street on the way to a nearby pub. Hopefully, Dylan and Tom will get so drunk they'll forget they're mad at each other and make up.

     "Because, you and Thomas are mad at each other right now, and it sucks when best friends are mad at each other. Plus, Chris is here and we're all friends with Chris, and we hardly ever see Chris, so both you AND Tom can suck it up for one evening and pretend like the whole horse incident never happened." I respond cooly, "And besides, we're strapping young men! Seeking adventure! And, my good lad, we shall find it!"

     "I didn't mean for it to happen." Dylan mumbles for the millionth time, "I would NEVER do anything to hurt Iris. Everyone knows that. Everyone knows that, right?"

     I sigh, "Yeah, Dylan. Everyone knows that. Thomas is just over reacting, and he's awesome at it. He'll get over it. And the first step of getting over it, is for the two of you to be able to walk on the same sidewalk without either of you freaking out, so shut up."

     "What's got your kickers in a knot?" Dylan asks, eyeing Chris, Thomas and Ki up ahead of us.

     I sigh heavily, "Nothing."


     It's not nothing at all.

     Nothing would be I accidentally spilled milk on my favorite shirt.

     Nothing would be they canceled my favorite TV program and now I have to watch re-runs.

     Nothing is not having the girl I've fallen in love with, have ANOTHER guy fall in love with her and worrying she'll choose him over me.

     I want her to choose me SO very badly.

     But why the heck would she choose me?

     She's got this guy there at Harvard, who's going to become an engineer, just like her. He's good looking (yes, I stalked him on Facebook.....but only a little bit!), he's a lot closer, and he just seems like a more interesting person than I am. He's much smarter anyway.

     So why would she give me a second thought?

     Maybe she's just letting me down easy.

     I probably scared her with my coffee addiction.

     I have a problem.

     I should stop drinking coffee. 

     Actually, no.

     Bad idea.

     There is no need to resort to no coffee drinking.

     Maybe I should just start a new hobby.

     Maybe -

     An explosion goes off and I hear the squealing of tires.

     I see Thomas and Dylan hit the ground and something in my brain goes, "Hey, that's a good idea."

     I hit the dirt, waiting to see if any other shots are fired. At least I think that was a gun. I see Dylan pull himself to his feet.

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