Characters info (NOT FINISHED)

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•Jamie Miller Kennedy•
Height-not tall (he's 6 idk the normal height)
Sexuality- doesn't know (straight probably)
Looks- purple skin, short purple curly hair with a orange short side fringe, only freckles on cheeks, black eyes with a white pupil (like sport and Dave), no piercings, a scar on his right knee from falling over, clear skin (again there 6)

•Jack Kennedy•
Age- 34
Height- 5,11
Sexuality- pan sexual
Looks- orange skin, fluffy curly orange hair where at the the back it went just above his shoulders, freckles pretty much all over, scars from springlocks, black eyes with a white pupil, a tooth gap in his top 2 front teeth, normally black painted nails (not to long only slightly go over the tip of his finger), ears pierced and has 2 piercings at the top of his right ear
Personality- Jack is the type of guy to at first be a bit mean to you and not trust you much but after a while he will warm up to you, quite sarcastic, sometimes gets mood swings (often in the morning), he sets 3 alarms even though he normally wakes up to the first one, likes wearing boots with a slight heel or small knee high platforms, is kind of an arsehole to people he either doesn't like or doesn't know, drinks like 7 cups of coffee a day, isn't really clingy unless he's sick or sad, will talk shit about people if there rude, is the type of guy to not make that's what she said jokes but to fall for them, used to be a bit of a whore and a player, occasionally wears 'feminine' things (normally if it's the summer, chill going mostly

•Dave Miller•
Height- 6,5
Sexuality- bisexual (has no preference)
Looks- purple skin, fuzzy purple hair that goes just past his shoulders (normally wears it tied), long neck boiiiiiiii, black eyes with white pupil, scars from springlocks and Henry Miller, a large scar going across his forehead, normally gets hurt so wears a lot of plasters, has a right eyebrow piercing
Personality- isn't very smart since he never had proper education, clingy, is not afraid to put a cat maid outfit on, doesn't like being left alone, couldn't give a shit about what people think of him, very dirty minded, makes that's what she said jokes, flirty (mostly when it comes to sportsy), scared of bugs, very curios, finds it hard to let things or people go, looses stuff a LOT, overprotective, will not hesitate to beat someone up (who's done bad things), tries to annoy the people that either don't like him or he doesn't like them, weird I guess-? (he has cameras in jacks house I don't think that's very normal😟),

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