Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

     The moon was peaking through the hazy clouds. She increased her pace of walking as night fell in order to arrive on time and avoid her children whining about the routine delay.

"I wasn't inten-ded to be late tonight, espe-cially. . ." As Sanchi reasoned, she dashed across their yard and hurriedly ascended the stairs to her bedroom. "I'm not go-ing to be able to parti-cipate in the party tonight beca-use of my filthy clothes. I'm in despe-rate need of a sho-wer."

She stormed into her room and put on the lights, adjusting the silver half-rim oval eyeglasses that wonderfully complimented her captivating eyes. "I'm curi-ous as to whether he has retu-rned–"

She expected the room to be vacant, and it was. Their king-sized hardwood bed was covered in a satin bedsheet with abstract print designs that had no folds. The exquisite flooring was spotless, and the translucent net curtains were gleaned together in a cluster.

"I wonder whe-ther the duo is indeed that disci-plined today th-at they haven't wre-aked havoc on the bed-room stuff!" She made her way to the bathroom, taking a set of ironed clothes from the cupboard. She felt rejuvenated and soothed after the shower, even though the water was cold and the weather humid.

She smoothed the hairdryer along the length of her damp hair. She proceeded to weave her fingers through the hair strands to assist them to dry faster, as gently as the breeze blew over her face. "By now, the gue-sts must have arri-ved. I've been so beh-ind time. . ."

"You're so late!" Behind her, a somber voice hissed, his mouth exhaling warm breath so near to her earlobe that she almost tilted her head away from the startling sensation.

She felt an instantaneous tug into his comfort zone as one of his arms encased her tummy and the other rested over her upper chest. "You ma-de sure I don't see you wh-en I get ho-me, isn't it, Vih?" she whispered, her heart racing and her skin fragrant.

"Whenever you feel my presence, hickory, you appear perplexed. So I needed to double-check my hiding place before you could get me away with yet another excuse." Vihaan grumbled as he trailed his finger down her nape. "Why can't you just concentrate on our romance whenever we have the opportunity to be with each other?"

She slipped out of his arms and sat cross-legged in front of him, her fists jabbing him in the neck. "Don't put your senti-ments like that, Vih. It's impor-tant to reme-mber that we're par-ents to two grown-ups, and it's not alw-ays possible to start roman-cing wherever and every-where."

"When you're a parent, I feel romance is at its best." He chuckled and gently stroked the top of her palm. "I know we're both working professionals with a lot of commitments on our shoulders, so we have to be apart a lot of the time– but can't we come together like this once in a while, all alone and away from our hectic daily schedule?"

"If you ta-ke me on a tour at least on-ce a year, it may be poss-ible." She purred articulately. "Yet you are the on-ly one who refu-ses to implement after plan-ning a trip. Some-one or something appro-aches you with an urg-ent case, and you are the first to tac-kle it on."

"Darling, duty comes first. But you don't appear to be blameless either. If I'm the one to go into a risky case, you'll be the next in line, despite my warnings, to go into the field to collect digital evidence and risk your life." As he said, he sounded incredibly upset, peering directly into her eyes with a frantic and demanding expression. "Due to a case you were working with, you did not even consider visiting me in Gwalior throughout the last two months."

"The case isn't the only rea-son I did-n't pay you a visit." She was remorseful in her tone. "I could-n't leave the twins alone sin-ce they were study-ing for finals. How co-uld they have fared well if bo-th of their par-ents had depa-rted?"

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