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"E-Erwin I can - I can explain" I immediately said as he stared at me "What are you doing in Hanji's Office" He said while looking at me and then at Hanji, and to me again "I-I was just getting my g-gea—" I couldn't finish my sentence cause he cut me off "Then why the hell is Hanji naked!" He yelled.

Luckily , Only Hanji's neck was visible because she brought the blanket up to her upper body "W-well-" I couldn't even say anything , We were caught red handed and there was no denying that I was fcking one of his bestfriend

"Hanji , Put your clothes on , I want to talk to both of you in my office" He said while massaging his templates "Y-yes sir" Hanji replied "As for you Y/N , Go change your clothes and meet me at my office" He stated and before I could even reply, He walked away

"Y-Y/N I, I'm so sorry" She said after putting her clothes on "No Hanji, It wasn't your fault" I said while averting my gaze away from her "I-I need to go to my room , Meet you at Erwin's office" I said "O-Ok" She replied and I kissed her cheek which m made her blush

I was lost in thoughts while walking back to my room , Bumping into few people in the process but they didn't dare complain for they know who I am. Screw that , I was in the ame rank as them but I was treated differently just because I'm Erwin's sister.


I was done with getting ready to meet Erwin , Anxiety slowly filled me. "What if He kicks me out the survey corps?, Oh god I just got in here . It hasn't even been a week" I mumbled to my self as I went out my room and walked towards his office , It was already 1:24 AM and I hadn't gotten enough sleep since the day I joined the scouts

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even noticed that I was standing right outside Erwin's office . Just before I got the chance to knock , The door opened and it revealed Levi's figure "Erwin, Your sister's here!" Levi said "You may enter cadet Smith " He formally said "What's with the formality?" Levi asked looking back at him "You can go now Levi , We'll talk again tomorrow" He said instead of answering his question . Levi muttered an audible 'tch' as he walked outside.

You felt the heavy atmosphere once you've entered Erwin's office . His glare peircing trough your soul "You may sit cadet Smith as we wait for Hanji" He said and you mentally rolled your eyes with his formality.

You sat in the chair that was in front of him. No words were exchanged between the two of you as you both waited for Hanji.

After what felt like Eternity , A knock was heard on the other side of the door "Come in!" Erwin said which made the door open and it revealed Hanji's Figure

"Sit down Hanji" Erwin stated and as Hanji sat down on the other chair . The anxiety you felt earlier worsened.

"Answer me Honestly..." He stated "What was Y/N doing at your office and why were you naked?" He continued with a straight face which made me avert my gaze from him. I felt my blood rushing to my cheeks and when I Slightly glanced at Hanji, Her face was also flushed red

Erwin cleared his throat "Ok , I guess we all know what happened" He said confirming his own assumption. "Y/N , Hanji , You both know what everyone will think ic any of the other scouts found out about this" He asked with a more calm tone "They wouldn't find out" I said and I felt Hanji's eyes on me "How can you be so sure?" He asked "Because t-that's the l-last time w-we're doing it" I shot back , I saw Hanji's eyes widen "Y-yeah" She replied , With a... disappointed tone? I'm not quite sure about that but that was what it seemed.

"I need to clarify some things , Y/N , I'm not in anyway against you being in a relationship with Hanji , or any other girl but hooking up with them? That is what I'm against especially with Hanji , She's your squad leader." He said but you knew to yourself that you didn't want to commit to her just yet. "I apologize for what you saw commander , It won't happen again" You said as you stood up and walked out.


I must admit , When Y/N said that's the last time the were doing it , I kinda felt hurt and sad and disappointed But I also didn't want to be selfish , It would cost Erwin's and Y/N's Reputations if we continued doing those acts but still...

"I apologize for what you saw commander , It won't happen again" Was all I could hear from Y/N before she stood up and walked out. The moment Y/N walked out the door , I heard Erwin sighed "S-sorry about that Erwin , I—We were just both stressed out and we needed something to get our minds off work for a whi—" I was cut off by Erwin "Hanji, Those hickeys you had yesterday , Were they also from Y/N?" He asked which made me a little nervous "Well y-yes" I answered while fiddling with my fingers , trying my best not to look at his direction "It would be understandable if the both of you was dating but that's not the case! You just met her the other day and the next thing I knew , You were doing things with each other" He stated , disappoinment was noticable in his tone "S-sorry Erwin , as s-she said , w-we won't do it a-again" I replied , Currently in the verge of tears . Even though it had only been three days since I men Y/N , I grew fond of her already and It really would hurt if she cut all her ties with me.

"I'm transferring Y/N to another squad" Erwin said which made me shocked "What? why?" I asked , I didn't mean to sound angry but it came out like that
"It would be hard if the two of you worked together. Especially with this situation , The both of you are even hesitant to stop this kind of relationship" Erwin said and I really felt my eyes water "Okay commander , If you would excuse me I need to go" I said , trying not to stutter "okay Hanji , You're dismissed" Erwin stated and I stood up and went to the nearest pub and decided to drink

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