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"see it's not that bad" bokuto smiled widely.

after about 10 minutes of complaining, he finally got akaashi to come up on the tree. they were both sitting on a very secure branch, leaning on each other.

"you know," bokuto started off.

"hm?" akaashi hummed in acknowledgement, "there's someone i find..super attractive, and i want to ask them out, but i don't really know if they feel the same way because i've never really seen them show a lot of emotion before..so i don't know what to do" bokuto said after.

what..."oh..well, when last have you talked to them?" akaashi asked, masking any sign of emotion in his tone. "hmm, i talk to them everyday, and we hang out a lot" the black and white haired male said back, "has this person ever talked about how they feel?" the other asked.

"not really, their not that open about their feelings, but i can tell under their high-built walls, is a loving person, i just don't know how to get there"

"well hypothetically, if you were to just go for it, how would you ask them out?" akaashi questioned, looking bokuto straight in the eye.

"i would tell them how happy they make me, how special they are, and why i feel the way i do towards them"

"they must be really...important to you" akaashi faked a smile.

"yeah, they really remind me of you" bokuto yawned and ran a hand through his multi-coloured hair.

akaashi raised a brow, could it be me? no probably not, he would've told me already. hmm, does he like kenma? no, i see the way kenma and kuroo look at each other, whose someone that bokuto hangs out and talks to everyday, not open with their feelings, and is super attractive? he was genuinely confused now, but bokuto doesn't socialize with a lot of people apart from his friends, me, and my friends, all my friends are basically taken..he wouldn't like someone if their already in a relationship, would he? OH! i got it! how could i be so blind..he obviously likes—"akaashi?" bokuto called out, snapping his fingers in front of the younger ones face.

"what?" akaashi flinched a bit, crap, i must've zoned out again. you could say that akaaahi is pretty oblivious when it comes to love.

"you kinda stopped answering.." bokuto looked down, "ah sorry, just thinking again" akaashi let out a breathy laugh.

"so yeah, like i was saying, they are honestly perfect in every way.." bokuto kept rambling about the 'love of his life' while akaashi was trying to figure out who it could be.

"who is it." akaashi blurted out during bokuto's mid sentence. he looked at the older guy to his right and saw him turn a deep shade of red, "w-well.."

"their name starts with a k" bokuto pursed his lips, looking away from akaashi's burning stare.

akaashi had the worst deadpanned look on his face, "so we're playing word scramble now? fine, gimme another letter"


okay so, that's two options, kenma and kenjiro, "next"


oh okay, so this is word scramble, tch. akaashi unnoticeably rolled his eyes, "another" "j"

it's literally kenjiro, isn't kenjiro dating eita though? akaashi was super confused right now.

"go on"

"i" kenjiro only has one 'i', bokuto said k-e-i-j-i..wait- that's my name. you've got to be kidding me, keiji was starting to get a headache from all the thinking.

he turned to look at bokuto who was already looking at him with a concerned look, "keiji, ever since i met you, you've made me more happier then i already was, i've fallen for you at first glance, you're super special to me and i want you to know that. every part of you is special to me, all your flaws, imperfections, everything. i love you for who you are, and i wanted to know if maybe you'll give me a chance..?" bokuto truly said, his face was still red but he was nervous on what the others answer would be.

akaashi started tearing up, "i....yes..yes of course, i'll give you as many chances as you want" he smiled as a tear rolled down his eye in which bokuto wiped away with his thumb, while cupping his cheek with one hand, they both closed their eyes and leaned forward.

bokuto tilted his head ever so slightly to get the perfect reach of the other's lips, once their lips connected, it felt so right, so perfect..they really were meant to be.

their mouths moved in sync with each other at a slow pace, pure love, that's what this was.

"i..love everything about you, too" akaashi said, resting his forehead against bokuto's once they broke the kiss.

"be my boyfriend?" bokuto smiled widely and linked his hands with his lover's.

"of course"


"i'm glad we met" suga said to his boyfriend, "me too, you're an awesome person" daichi replied.

him and suga were by themselves in their cabin, away from everyone else.

"oh look, the sun is already starting to set" daichi pointed out the window, "oh wow..it's beautiful" suga smiled brightly at the sight, the dim sky was a mix of pink, orange, and bits of red, it was truly a sight to see.

"let's get a better look at it, they linked hands and headed out the cabin, their faces still tilted up to the sky, they sat down on the grass a bit further away so they could get a clear view.

all the birds that flew by looked like small stars in the distance, the tips of the trees that were blocking the sun on the perfect angle, and the breeze blowing at a nice pace was truly amazing, "it can't get any better then this" they both smiled.

"IWA-CHAN GET THIS STUPID FROG OFF OF ME" a voice yelled in the distance, daichi and suga both bursted out laughing as they saw where the voice came from, oikawa was running around like a crazy person. "spoke to soon"

"still, there's nothing better then this"

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