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Sometimes, growing up will blossom a bud into a functioning flower. Most of the time? Gaining maturity can make life a lot more complicated.

My sight was too blurry to decipher anything. I let my legs carry me as fast as they would go. It felt good. Every time my feet pounded against the pavement, a whole new sense of empowerment filled me. Sounds evaded my ears, yet I knew they weren't following me—my parents knew better than that.

Then again, my brother didn't.

I ran faster.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Was that my heartbeat? Impossible, my head throbbed with my pulse. How could my heart be in my head though?

My limbs were jello, but I didn't care. The pain felt good.

Great, actually.

It wasn't until I heard a familiar car horn that my feet came to an abrupt stop and I tumbled to the ground. My breaths pounded against my mouth like a chainsaw. My hands dropped to my knees

Lights blurred most of my surroundings. As the street fell out into a wide intersection, I couldn't help but notice the change—buildings got bigger, signs got bolder. Despite the odd ring in my head, it baffled me how much of this place I overlooked, being stuck inside my own head all the time.

Beeeeeeeep. Beep beep beep.

"Trying to escape from us already, Ben!?"

When I turned around, I found the ugliest car known to man, a Get With The Nerds! sticker on the bumper. More importantly, a big head buried in pimples was poked out of it, giant glasses taking the attention away from his blond head.

I jumped in. Austin was in the driver's seat, reading me as my breaths struggled to get enough oxygen to my head. I glanced towards the back. Willie and Stuart looked at me like I had been targeted by the grim reaper.


Austin threw his hands in the air. "Dude, we chased you down like nine blocks! What the heck is going on?"

I scrubbed my eyes dry. " Don't stop. Ever."

He looked at me, then Stuart and Willie. With a shrug, he put the car into drive. My head raced along with the engine. What was I thinking? Kyle was back at the house about ready to kill my parents, and now they were all going to murder me...

My secret was spilled.

Shoot! Crap! 

I felt myself decelerate. My head darted around the car. Austin coughed towards a road sign, and I sighed. Twenty-five miles an hour. Guess getting pulled over wouldn't help anyone right now.

A voice sounded from the back that made my face throb. "Ben, are you going to explain how the-"

"Shh," Austin glanced at me. "Give him a minute to breathe."

My mouth gave a gaspy agreement.

"But aren't we going to-"


"But he's-"

"Do you ever stop talking?"



Stuart's fidgeting hands came to a halt as the car screeched at a red light. I had no idea why he was standing up for me, why he wasn't listening to Stuart's common sense, but a grateful feeling sprung through my neck. 

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