"No that can't be right"

"Oh come on, He disappears, and then that thing shows up 10 seconds later to toss Derek 20 ft through the air. That's not convenient timing?" Stiles said looking at me for the Derek part. Probably making sure he didn't hurt my feelings or something.

"It's not him" Scott said shaking his head

"He killed Derek Scott" i said.

"No Dereks not dead he can't be dead" Scott said.

"BLOOD SPURTED OUT OF HIS MOUTH OKAY?" Stiles said leaning on the desk. "That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury, he's dead and we're next"

"STILES SHUT UP" I said dragging my hands down my face. I backed up against the wall and slid down to the floor. "You are freaking me out, and I'm already freaked out, so please shut up" I said with my face in my hands.

"I'm sorry ok?" Stiles said walking over to me, and picking me up off of the ground. "I'm just a little shooken up right now" he said holding onto my wrist, so I would look him in the face. "There's a huge killer wolf trying to eat us right now and-" I stared at him with a straight face, clearly implying he wasn't helping calm the situation.

Scott was still standing by the teachers desk until he probably realized I was about to freak out, and have a mental break down. I did this all time when we were younger. I've always been the dramatic twin and he's always had to help me threw it before I went full on freak.

"Stiles move" Scott said taking stiles' place. He grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. "Ok just breath, shut your eyes" Scott said taking deep breaths with me. "Calm down, breath slowly in and out" this is what mom has told Scott to do since we were kids to 'help me'. "Think about mom, think about that car we are gonna get eventually" after about 20 more seconds of practicing breathing, He gently shook my shoulder then patted me on the back. "Okay what do we do now?"

"We get to my jeep, we get out of here, and you should seriously think about quitting your job, good?" Stiles replied. Me and Scott nodded and followed stiles over to the windows in the classroom.

Scott tried to open the window but failed.

"They don't open, the schools climate controlled" I said looking at Scott. Even I knew that, and I've been back for barley 2 months.

"Then we break it" Scott nodded.

"Which will make a lot of noise" stiles said cocking his head to the side.

"Then- then we run really fast" Scott said breathing heavily, clearly freaking out. We all sat in silence trying to think of a better solution when my eyes fell on stiles' jeep, the hood was bent.

"Stiles what's wrong with your jeep?" I asked.

"Nothings wrong" stiles said confused.

"It's bent" Scott said chiming in.

"ITS DENTED?" Stiles said, he loved his jeep more than anything in the world.

"No, no I mean it's bent" Scott said. Stiles shoved his way in between me and Scott to get a look at his jeep.

"Wha- what the hell hap-" stiles said but was cut off by something being thrown at the window shattering it and coming through to hit me right in my ribs.

We all fell to floor beneath the windows. "Ow- oh my god, what the hell" I said grabbing my side that was probably bruised.

"Jesus crist are you ok" stiles said grabbing me closer to him.

"No, whatever just came threw the window fucking hit me in the- OW" I said cutting myself off because stiles tried to lift my shirt up to look at my side.

"Sorry, sorry" stiles said looking at my side. "Your bleeding".

"SHES WHAT?" Scott said scooting over to us looking at my side. "Moms gonna kill us Aurora" Scott said shaking his head.

"I'll be fine. we've got to move" I said getting up but falling right back down.

"No he could be right outside" Scott said.

"He is right outside" stiles shot back.

"Just let me take a look" Scott said slowly getting up to look out of the window .

"Do you see anything?" I asked.


"Okay we've got to move now" I said.

Stiles and Scott lifted me up with them and put me on my feet.

"What came through the window anyway?" I asked looking around the room.

"The battery to my jeep" stiles Said hitting himself in the face.

"You've got a piece of glass stuck in your cheek" I said to stiles.

"So do you" stiles said flashing me a fake smile. We quietly walked out of the class room and out back into the dark school hallways.

"We've got to go somewhere without windows" I stated.

"This whole building has windows" Scott replied.

"Ok well, we can go somewhere with less windows" I nodded.

"The locker room?" Scott said.

"That's the best idea I think you've ever came up with Scott" I said patting him on the back.

"Ok let's go" stiles said, we all sprinted to the locker rooms running as fast, but as quiet as possible.

We got there and shut the door. "Call your dad" Scott told stiles.

"And tell him what?" Stiles said.

"God, I don't know anything a gas leak, a fire, whatever, if that thing sees the parking lot filled with cop cars it'll take off" Scott said quickly.

"But what if it doesn't, what if it goes completely terminator and kills every cop in sight, including my dad?" Stiles replied to Scott angry.

"Yeah but they have guns" Scott shrugged.

"Yeah but Derek had to be shot with wolves Bain laced bullets to even slow him down, remember that?"

"Then we can just run for it" Scott shrugged.

"There's nothing close to the school for at least a mile Scott" I said.

"Well what about dereks car?"

"That could work" Stiles said. "We go outside get the keys off his body, ugh then we , we take his car" stiles said sounding almost happy.

"And what just leave Derek here?" I said mad.

"I mean, I guess we could take him" stiles shrugged.

"We're going to take him" Scott said looking at stiles.

"Fine, whatever" stiles shrugged. I don't know how we are going to pull this off and make it out alive. There is a beast the size of my moms car chasing after I assume Scott.

Once I thought about it, and calmed down it's not all that bad. What's the worse that happens I die? I'm not afraid of dying, although I am afraid of who it'll hurt. Like if me and Scott don't make it out off this my mom would be crushed. We'd probably ruin her life, we are all she's got. so I'm going to try and make it out of this for her. And I don't even want to get started on why stiles needs to make it out. His mom passed away and he's all his dad has got. So we all need to get out alive.

My brothers best friend ||STILES STILINSKI||Where stories live. Discover now