Chapter 9

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(Ava pov)

          After everyone goes back upstairs mully goes into the kitchen. Which leaves me by myself on the couch, I put on a tv show more specifically adventure time and while mullys gone his phone all the sudden goes of with a text message from someone named...... Lexi

Lexi: heyy daddy ❤️😘

I feel absolutely crushed.. Who was she?, how do they know each other, why is she texting him. So many questions raced through my head, I was so lost in my thoughts that I don't notice mully come back into the living room from the kitchen.

(Mully pov)

When I get back from the kitchen I see Ava sitting on the couch with tears in her eyes, I run over to her "hey hey hey baby girl what's wrong why are you crying" I say as I try to hug her, but she pushes me away... Okay I need to figure out what's wrong.

I look at her "princess can you tell me what's wrong, what happend?" I ask her looking in her eyes as she start balling.. My heart breaks a little at the sight, she looks away from me and stands up, in an emotionless voice she says "here's your fucking phone" she can't keep her composure so she tells it at me.

(Ava pov)

"Here's your fucking phone"I yell at him as I throw his phone at him and run up stairs to my room and slam the door behind me, I get over to my closet opening it up and grabbing some of my things when I hear someone knock on my door "hey ava it's me can you open the door?" it doesn't sound like mully so I open the door, surprised at who I see.

(Juicy pov)

I was in my room just chilling when I hear screaming from downstairs, it sounds like Ava but why is she screaming, I get up out of bed and make my way to her door "hey ava its me can you open the door?" she open the door, I notice some bags in her hand "where are you going?" I ask "somewhere other than here"she says "well I'm gonna go with you" .

(Ava pov)

"Well I'm gonna go with you" juicy says "sure fine by me I say as I go down stairs and out to my car and he follows, we both get in my car and I start driving without anywhere specifically I want to go.

(Mully pov)

After Ava goes upstairs I grab my phone and pick it up, automatically seeing why she was so upset when I see the text messages from lexi.. My heart drops.

Lexi : heyy daddy❤️😘

Lexi: daddy answer

Lexi : mully

Mully : what

Lexi : yayyy you answered daddy wanna come over later😉

Mully : no I don't

Lexi : come onnn daddy you did last week when I asked you;)

Mully: listen that was a mistake

Lexi : oh really was it when you were moaning while I was sucking you off and telling me how much of a good girl I was and that you don't want anyone else but me and that you were only mine huh?

Mully: yeah it was it was a fucking mistake

Lexi : fine if you won't come here then I'll just have to come over there see you soon daddy;)

Fuck what am I going to do now, thats when i realize the juicy and Ava are gone, I punch the wall not meaning to make a hole in it but I do anyways... Fuck how did I even get Myself in this situation, I look down at the coffee table and see the promise ring that I gave Ava and pick it up as I sit on the couch starting to cry.

I get up leaving the house slamming the door behind me as I get into my car and drive to the nearest bar.

(Ava pov)

After driving for around an hour I pull over and juicy looks over at me "what happened that made you wanna leave, I mean you don't have to tell me but if you are comfortable with it I'm here to listen" he says giving me a soft smile "well me and mully were down stairs and he went to the kitchen and het got a text from this girl saying 'heyy daddy' with heart emojis and stuff so when he got back I was pissed off at him so I went up stairs and go my stuff and now I'm here" I say as I look at him "oh my god I'm so sorry" he hugs me causing me to blush but I hug back.

(Mully pov)

After an hour I was really really really wasted and so because I couldn't drive I call and uber, by the time I get back home I just go up stairs and quickly fall asleep not caring that I'll be hungover in the morning.

(Eddie pov)

I hear a knock at the front door opening it to see Lexi "what the hell do you want" I roll my eyes "I'm here to see my boyfriend why do you care" she says with a cocky tone in her voice which gets on my nerves "get the fuck out of here because he's not your fucking boyfriend so leave" I yell at her as I slam the door in her face locking it and the back door as well, before going back upstairs and going to sleep.

(Ava pov)

Juicy takes notice that I start getting tired and he makes me pull over and letting me go to sleep in the passengers seat as he starts driving, as I am asleep I accidentally lean my head on his shoulder, he smiles and keeps driving, he get to a motel and gets us a room then comes to wake me up "hey ava wake up lhe gently shakes me" mmm "i whine and he picks me up and carries me into our room laying me down on my bed and he lays down next to me as he falls asleep as well.....

A/n: hello lovess haha plot twist I've been planning on doing something kinda like this for a while now just so that the whole thing isn't just smut and that there is an actual story as well as the smut so I hope you like it please vote and comment you don't have to but it would be appreciated bye for noww.

Word count: 1088

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