Chapter 8 - The Spell

Start from the beginning

BONNIE - "What was that?"

ALIANA - "It was probably nothing, come on" I grab her hand pulling her towards the door, I let go of her hand and open the door. We walk in to find all the girls and boys including the Mikaelson family standing there looking impatient.

DAMON - "Where the hell were you guys, I had that guy waiting out there to bring you here for at least half an hour"

ALIANA - "We were practicing the spell"

TYLER - "It doesn't take that long to do a spell, I guess you're just slow"

ALIANA - "Okay what the fuck is your problem Tyler?"

TYLER - "You two are my fucking problem" he says walking towards me and Bonnie quickly but I zoom upto him and snap his neck.

ALIANA - "Prick." I simply say and walk towards Bonnie and Caroline

REBEKAH - "Since he's loyal to Klaus he has been having mood swings lately

DAMON - "Yeah, being Klaus's bitch has its ups and downs" Everone bursts out laughing and recieves death glares from Klaus, I look away before he can look at me.

ALARIC - "We think there's a few new vampires in town"

BONNIE - "How can you be so sure?"

KOL - "Well you can go check the river up in the mountains full of disembark body parts and a hell of a smell to go with it"

ELIJAH - "We have also come to the conclusion that they are more powerful than the average vampire"

ALIANA - "And how did you come to that conclusion?"

KLAUS - "Because it's my hybrids they're killing love" he says patting my hand, lingering it there for longer than usual then both of us pulling away. Caroline gives me a puzzled look then looks away.

ELENA - "We've got so much going on right now, how are we going to handle this"

ALARIC - "it's alright Elena, me Caroline, Stefan and Damon will go and see what's going on" Just then Tyler wakes up and pins me up against the wall by my throat cutting off my air supply then he is pulled off and pinned next to me by Klaus

KLAUS - "Don't ever try anything like that again Tyler" he loosens his grip on Tyler. "Take him worth you, I can't trust what he will do to Ali if he stays" Tyler walks upto Caroline. Mikaelsons take Bonnie and Ali back to your mansion keep them there and make sure nothing happens to our witches mainly Ali, she's been getting attacked a lot lately"

REBEKAH - " I am not staying here and babysitting them two"

ALIANA - " We don't need babysitters"

KLAUS - "Yes you do"

ALIANA - "Why do we?"

KLAUS - "Because I don't want you getting hurt" he says looking between Me and Bonnie

BONNIE - "Okay, Okay"

KLAUS - "It doesn't really matter if you agree or not, you are not leaving my sight, understand?"

I stay silent which I know irritates him

KLAUS - "Ali?!" He says gripping my chin lifting my face up forcing me to look into his eyes centimetres apart from my lips.

ALIANA - "Okay, yeah sure" he then moved away, me secretly wishing he didn't.

KLAUS - "Good, the last thing I need is the two people that can actually help me getting themselves killed"

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