XIV | Noted.

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Koke's POV
A|N: small tiny minuscule itty bitty kiss scene (no lemon)
Omg. I can not believe I made my beloved cry. I had to sing a nursery rhyme for half an hour-
Hey, I'm not complaining ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) he looks really cute.
But seriously, the word "uncle" is prohibited from now on. Noted.

Saihara-chan peacefully dozed off on my lap (aAAAAomgosh). I feel a bit tired but I don't want to take him up...or...can I carry him?
I'm not the strongest but I gave some kind of endurance.
Never mind, I'll just sleep here.
As I was about to slumber my precious's head shook.
He noticed me so I do a little 'hi' wave to make sure he's okay.
I hesitated to talk after all that nonetheless I did it either way.

-...Hey, are you feeling better~?.. I murmured.
Saihara flew on my face hugging my upper torso causing me to flush red.
"Yo...chill..." I thought.
Wow- his eyes are so glamorous I could watch them forever~
His eyes averted to mine until he blushed too and shoved himself back in my hoodie.

-S-stop looking at m-my e-eyes;
He mumbles.
I snickered back.
-They're so attractive~
-S-stap it~

-Nuh uh~!
-Not opening mine anymore~ he teased.

Even at that, I pinched his cute tiny (face) cheeks closer to me with a chubby stare.
-Open up!

-Nehehe~ Imma kiss you~♡
My lips softly touch his for a few seconds. (No lemon trust me)

-T-thank you~
-Nehehe~ no problem.
I'm happy he's happy now.
Ugh, what's still irritating is the fact that you can't do anything thrilling around here!
I promise I'll find someplace we both could go away from this game. A killing|dating game!
I'll just ask Monokuma tomorrow.

Leave me alone I am not monologuing my hot moment with Shumai get out--

A|N: well, guess it's my turn, huh.
I will narrate the night's summary.
Narrator's POV

Kokichi and Shuichi sleep *cutely* on Shushu's mattress till the next morning.
As he said (that's what he said),
He went to find a calming and refreshing place to be. He calls multiple times for Monokuma but nothing.
"Uh, where is this stupid bear..." he shrieks one last time and he appears.
"What's the rush, shortie!?"

"B+$-#, you're shorter than me. Anyway, give me and my husband a place to relax."

"Hmmm, I have the perfect location!"
"Saihara-chan, come!"
Kichi holds Saihara's hand from behind.
Monokuma brings them to a mystical forest.

"Hm, w-where are we going?""I don't know but this looks dope

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"Hm, w-where are we going?"
"I don't know but this looks dope." His spouse admits.
This looks like outside the Academy far away...
Three strolled and marched across magic leaves between paranormal tree branches till a cottage appears in their sight.
-Here you are! Enjoy the stay puhuhuhuhu~

The f$+"-ing bear spun magical powder into the air leaving the couple towards a beautiful house.

The f$+"-ing bear spun magical powder into the air leaving the couple towards a beautiful house

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-Wow, th-this looks incredible. T-thank you Kokichi!

- My pleasure~ I would forever make you happy♡.
He smiled at him.
-I...I feel like we v-vanished from the m-massacre game."

-We have in fact! Uhm, wow. Let's collect those enchanted leaves! There's plenty in front of the cottage.
A few leaves were under us so I began plucking them all up.
'Do you think something magical would happen if we ate it?'

'I d-don't know...I wouldn't eat it though. It may be hazardous. Kokichi!–'
Aww, Saihara-chan yanked the leaf out golf my grasp. Man, I truly wanted to try it...
'Hey, ~!'

'Don't e-eat it!'

'Why not; we could become magical creatures or amass superpowers!"

"I p-prefer you the way you are cur–rrently.
" O-okay~," I said, glowing rosily.


A|N I'm not the best at fluff but they're so adorable 😢
Thanks for reading!...

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