''Fucking hell, no wonder my sister only pretends to like you. You're the biggest asshole I've ever met'' Tyler spat before storming out of the office.

Hunter stared after him, glaring.

''Dick move'' I muttered, making him snap his head my way. The paramedics were examining my burn, making me blush. Why? Well, standing there with my pants down as two paramedics examined my asscheek, wasn't exactly my cup of tea.

''You're lucky I can't fire you'' Hunter stated.

''Mhm, sure'' I rolled my eyes before hissing as one of the paramedics put some sort of ointment on my buttcheek.

''How'd this happen?'' The other paramedic asked, giving us a strange look.

''I was going to sit on the counter in the kitchen, must've missed the bigass stovetop and sat on it'' I shrugged, a little embarrassed. ''I'm not really surprised. I've had worse injuries'' I waved them off, making them chuckle a little.

''You need to be more careful, you're lucky you got off quick enough'' The first paramedic spoke up, rubbing my burn with something. It suddenly felt cold, cooling my burn and reducing the pain greatly. I sighed in relief as they bandaged me up.

''Yeah, I was picked up off it immediately'' I nodded, thinking back to Tyler sweeping me up off the stovetop as soon as I sat on it.

''Mhm, really lucky'' Hunter muttered under his breath.

I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior.

''I wouldn't sit or sleep on it much if I were you'' The second paramedic said sweetly. ''Apply this cream every night and you should be fine in a few weeks'' She handed me the cream, eyeing Hunter with curiosity. A spark of jealousy ignited in me but I shook the feeling off.

''You will receive your bill-''

''I'll pay for it now'' Hunter interrupted her.

I raised an eyebrow, ''I can pay for my own medical bill''.

''You're my employee, I have to pay for it'' He rolled his eyes and took the form from the paramedic. He quickly signed a check and they left, wishing me a smooth recovery.

I sat on one buttcheek, miserable. ''Thanks for paying, even though I could've done it myself'' I muttered eyeing him as he tidied his desk.

''Tell me what you have planned'' He suddenly sat down in his chair, staring at me expectantly.

''What do you mean?'' I raised an eyebrow.

''What's going on with you and Tyler?'' He rolled his eyes at my cluelessness. ''I know it's fake as shit. Brittany told me she could see right through you two'' He added with a smirk.

''I'm sure Brittany tells you many things'' I smiled fakely.

''She's just-''

''Business'' I added in a deep voice, mocking him. ''C'mon, Hunty. You're starting to sound like a broken record at this point'' I sighed, annoying him.

''But she is'' He stuck to his point.

I rolled my eyes, getting up to leave.

''Whatever it is,'' He spoke, making me stop by the door. ''It'll never be anything like what we had here a week ago''

I chuckled, humorlessly. ''Your ego is bigger than Russia'' I muttered before I left his office with only one thing on my mind. How was I supposed to sit on the toilet with this burnt ass-cheek?


''You burnt your butt?!''

I groaned, shutting the front door behind me gently. ''Does the whole world know?'' I deadpanned. My brother stood there, laughing his un-burnt ass off.

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