"Over here, boy." the voice bounded off the walls again, it seems that it was coming from the other side of that white door. The voice was familiar, in a way... it was the same as the one that had called for him and showed him the way to the city. Mono's eyes darkened as the thought occurred to him, that the voice might probably belong to the same person that has been pleading for help, in his dream...

Mono found himself moving towards it his legs shuffling against the floor as he drew closer to the door. He fought hard to keep himself from taking another step, he didn't want to meet what was on the other side. He placed both hands on the door, feeling the white pain peel of the wood, and pushed it open, it didn't make the slightest sound as it swung all the way, Mono couldn't even hear the sound of his footsteps, it was all the same as before! just as in the dream, it was like walking into the vacuum of space, he remembered that feeling all too well. He pinched himself hard in his palm and pain stung him. this isn't a dream. Mono began to tremble as sweat beaded on his neck, chilling him to the core. a lightbulb flickered to life above him, illuminating the room, it focused its bright yellowish light on the middle, where a couple dozen TVs were stacked atop one another.

"Come closer..." The voice said as one of the screens flashed bright white. Mono found the strength to turn in his heels and make back for the door. It wasn't that easy, the unbearable buzzing filled the room without warning and ravaged his ears, He slammed his palms against his ears as if that would shut out the horrible sound.

"Stop, please!" Mono said, as he felt a force dragging him by the neck towards the screen.

"I need your help, Mono."

"Get out of my head! GET OUT! GET OUT!" Mono fell to his knees, only a few steps away from the TV screen, He felt like he was going to die, the buzzing was driving him insane, it felt like he was falling down an endless spiral, where black and white flashed all around him. Fine then! Mono leaped and placed both palms on the screen, and closed his eyes.

He saw countless scenes race past his vision, but most of them were just blurry. He heard all sorts of stuff. From documentaries, people talking to one another, news reports, old songs from the fifties, and cooking guides alike. Until finally he found where the voice has been leading him. An all too familiar hallway with cracks in both the floor and ceiling. Without warning, Mono felt himself being sucked into the screen, and a split second later he met the floor, coming face to face with the hallway he saw in the frequencies. and at the end stood that gigantic door with an eye symbol at the top.

"Open the door, Mono." the voice told him. Obediently Mono sprang for it, dogging the cracks on the floor as he did. But somehow he was slowing down the closer he drew to it. The world around him began to shake, and before he knew it, everything went black as he fell back, his head slamming on the floor again.

He groaned as he sat up, his hand moving to soothe the pain coming from the back of his head. Someone was panting next to him, "S-Six? Where? How?" Six looked at him from behind the curtain of hair.

"You were screaming! What happened? Are you hurt?!" Six said.

"I- I was?" He looked down at his body and ran his hand up and down his chest. "I'm okay... I think."

"You scared me to death!"

Mono lowered his head, his mind filled with guilt, "Sorry... I didn't mean-" Mono was cut short when the blinking TV screen flashed and gave off a blinding light, it wasn't going to give up that easily.

Six screamed and held her head, the buzzing tore away at her mind.

"NO! not again!" Mono shrieked, his hands once again finding themselves on the TV screen. The sound of static and electricity bounded off the walls around them, the light blinding them even when they pressed their eyes shut.

It was so terrible that it made Six want to lay there on the floor knees to her chest and scream. "MONO!" Six called, "Make it stop!" But Mono said nothing, he was just standing there, hands against the screen and staring blankly at it. Six gritted her teeth forced herself to her feet. She looked around the room and saw some rusted pipeline connect to a heater a few steps away, one of the pipes was dangling loosely from the rest, it looked easy enough to pull it out. Six rushed and grabbed it, then with all her might pulled at it.

The pipe popped off, driving Six back on her rear. She stood up quickly and dragged the pipe against the wooden floor until she reached the TV. She grabbed Mono by his shirt and yanked him away from the screen, He gasped as he tumbled to the floor. The buzzing in her head had somewhat lessened after that, so now's the chance!

She grabbed the pipe and turned it to the blunt edge, and as the screen was threatening to flash again, she swung the pipe with everything she had. The screen cracked and was caved inwards, but somehow that was not enough to stop its screeching. Once more Six drew back the pipe and swung it again, glass shards flew outwards and stung her eyes. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" The screen displayed many images, landscapes, oceans, advertisements, mothers taking their children to school.

One more time, Six was about to give it her all in this blow, but without warning, the swing stopped halfway when the screen showed her something. Six gasped, her throat went dry as her chest burned like a scorching furnace. The pipe quivered in her hand, "Stop it... No."

Mono looked up at her, "Six?" he said, he couldn't see what the screen displayed.

"Stop it... Stop it..." her voice was shaky. "STOP IT!" she brought the pipe against the screen, it crashed and blew up sending sparks flying out of it. Six was knocked back, as the screeching finally ceased and the room went pitch black.


1755 words

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate this garbage? because I would certainly give a below zero if I could... 

tell me of any mistakes, and ill see to them later. 

Sayonara, fine folk! Till next time!   

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