Must I tell you everything?

Yeah duh
Gotta keep you safe

Reading Yunho's text irritates him at the same time Yeosang could feel his heart flutter as blood rush to his cheeks.

Not anywhere in particular, just strolling

I'm on my own tonight I guess
It's not like I'm asking for sympathy tho-
Anyway have fun!! :D


"Geez, why am I so dry?" Yeosang mutters to himself. Yiren returns a minute later in a sad expression. "What's wrong?"

She points to the screen for tonight's movie schedule. "There's another movie right after the one we're watching, I wanna see it too!"

"Do you wanna purchase for both tonight? I don't mind staying back with you." Yeosang says to her softly.

"That's very sweet of you, Yeosang, but I can't waste my money on one movie night." Yiren bites her lower lip to take a moment of brainstorming God knows what. For her, Yeosang is willing to give up his own pocket money to spare another movie, that's when he takes out his wallet only to see Yiren pointing to the screen again, smirking.

"They're in the same hall." She whispers to him. "We're not paying for both."


"Trust me, Yeosang. Listen to what I say and we'll both binge two movies at once tonight. We'll be fine." Yiren flashes him a wink as she drags him to the entrance.


The credits scroll down the big screen as the audience line up to exit the hall. Forgetting about their stay, Yeosang stands up to follow along when Yiren tugs him back down and nods her head to the floor. She gestures for him to follow her pace to sneak under the chairs before the lights turn on, to which they succeed their hide in time.

"They have to clear the hall quickly before the next film, they won't pass our row," Yiren murmurs under her breath. Yeosang nods.

Yiren has an incredible image of being decisive in these situations. Being with her will never be his waste of time.

As soon as the janitors leave the hall for the new audience to enter, Yiren invites Yeosang way too quickly one janitor notices her existence. "Hi. I came in a little too early while you were cleaning, sorry."

"Sorry, ma'am. I didn't notice."

Yiren crouches down and helps the male crawl out from under the chair, giggling as if nothing matters to her. "Ready for another round of free binge-watching?"

"I almost had a heart attack, Yiren." Yeosang glances around. Yiren giggles louder and gives him a side hug, enough for him to lose control over her touch.

The next hours of their second movie fly by like a clockwork that counts the number of times Yeosang drifts to sleep in the middle of the movie. Surely, he's desperate for it to end. On the other hand, Yiren is as energetic as ever since she's been craving for her wishlist rather than paying attention to Yeosang's weary condition. The boy knocks his head over a couple of time yet Yiren doesn't seem to mind at all. As if she cares.

BENEFITS | YUNSANGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora