Chapter 13

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Pov Kiyoko

What a nice weekend. After seeing the Sugawara brothers, I went to play for a bit. We only did one game because of the lateness we all arrived and the fact some of us were really tired. Especially, Koemi. She has a competition on Tuesday, and she has been practicing every time she can. By practicing she is probably referring to walking around using her hands to strengthen her arm muscles and jumping as high as she can every few seconds. She has also complained many times the fact that her locker is the highest one and she can't reach it. So, she has probably been jumping all the time so she can get all of her stuff. The worst of all is that then she complains she is tired.

Saturday was so fun. I went to have a morning walk and ended up visiting Keiji at the hospital. We then received the news he was able to go and get some air in the hospital grounds as long as he was with someone and was wearing a mask. We ended up running from one side to another. Later that day Koushi and Masaki appeared with a chocolate cake they had made, and we shared it among each other. It was so much fun.

Sunday was a little more boring. Because I had to study for an exam, but it was still fun when I phoned Kankan and explained the whole 10 pages to her. Her face was so funny. I help her a lot with her studies. Actually, everyone does that. She is a drop out because of being a mother, but she said she didn't want to lose all her qualifications and education because of that.

And now new week. On Wednesday we start the volleyball competition, and everybody is working really hard to make it work. They want to win everything. Who doesn't? Although it's going to be hard. Chiyo told me that there is a new powerhouse. The name is Shiratorizawa. It seems there is a new player, who used to be the best volleyball player in middle school. According to the information Chiyo gave me, he has improved the already great preparatory team. It'll take lots of hard work to actually be able to have even a chance to win. That is at least what Koushi says.

I trust his opinions in this type of subjects. My ability is for running competitions or science. But when it comes to a sport, I barely know any information about it. When it comes to this type of things I'm a total looser.

I left a bit of breakfast in the microwave, as always. And wrote a note for my father. For the last year, this little notes are the only type of communication there has been between us. I wrote:

Hello Dad.

I hope you are doing all right. Have you had a good night? I sure hope you have.

I left some breakfast in the microwave for you. Please heat it up before you eat it. Be sure to eat everything, I know yesterday you didn't have supper.

Have a nice day.

With love. Kiyoko. 😉

I hope he responds. One of my greatest dreams is the fact that none of the things he tells me when he is drunk are true. So many people say that alcohol makes you say the truth. But he is my father after all, and I will not stop hoping that those things are not true.

"Kiyokoooooooo!!!! How was your weekend?" Who said that? Of course, Chiyo. Thanks god. She scared me. "Hey Chiyo. I'm doing just fine. I didn't know that you knew where I lived." "Oh, I actually don't know that. I just when to that shop over there. Its really good." "I see. What do you recommend?" "Woah. We are going that way. Well then sit down and relax because we are getting to business." The rest of the 10-minute walk was spent talking about food and snacks.

I think I haven't experienced this type of relationship in years. Whenever I talk with Kanna or Keiji its other type of conversation. Normally, they like to talk about the future, internet, jobs, education, between other things. On the other side there is Koushi and Koemi, who like talking more about the stupid things we do every single day.

Of the four friends I had before coming here; Keiji is the longest friend I have ever had. We know each other since kindergarten. Our parents told us we used to walk around together everywhere. Holding hands and all of those things toddlers do. In a way that never changed. In primary I was really popular. I was friends with at least half of the class, but he never stopped following me. The next person I became friends with was Kanna. We connected the second we saw each other. Just after her the three of us became friends with Koushi and Koemi. This was when everything had already gone downhill.

In a way a think the relationship I have with Chiyo will not ever become the relationship I have with the K's but this is because our relationship come beyond friendship. We became family. And the worst thing is. I'm in love with someone from that family. I can't live with the feeling I could break the family because of this.

"Kiyoko. Hellouu. Earth calling Kiyoko. Are you there?" "Oh no. I'm so sorry. I guess I'm still a bit sleepy." "Haha don't worry. Well, sleeping beauty. Ready for the exam or want some 20-minute-revision." "Oh my God the exam." "20-minute-revision it is. What is an element?"

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