Chapter 11

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Pov Sugawara

"SHIMIZU!!! Are you okay!??" I shouted while running towards her. "Oh my god. You sure frightened me." Fortunately, we both saw each other just in time to semi dodge and semi crash. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't expecting anybody coming through here." "Me neither." We both laughed. "What made you come here this late?" "I'm kind of escaping from my father. He came late, with one of his lovers and when they saw me, he just started running towards me. His a bit drunk. How about you?" I couldn't get the idea she was actually blushing while saying that. She is probably cold.

"Well, are you cold? Your face is all red." "Y-y-yes. Now that you mention it." "Here you have." I gave her my spare jacket I was keeping for my brother in case he forgot. "Shoot. What time is it?" "8:50. Why?" "Masaki is coming to spend the weekend here and I'm going to be late." "I'm so sorry if I wasn't coming through here you wouldn't be in such a rush." "Don't you dare apologise for something like that. Come on get on." "Wait a second. What?" "I'm not going to leave you here, with a scratch on your leg. You can have dinner with us." Her face lightened up. Whenever she does that the whole world lightens up. And off I am thinking again. Thinking about stupid things.

"Sure thing. Come on I'll tell you if someone is coming." Off we went. My bike has enough place for three people. And even for a backpack. We soon went out from the narrow passage. Trying to not bump into Kiyoko's father or other people. We rushed through the whole town. Indications everywhere. And finally, we reached the train station. With one minute to spare. Kiyoko decided to take care of the bike while I went to pick my little brother Sugawara Masaki.

Pov Kiyoko

When I arrived home the first thing, I did was change clothes and do my homework. I decided to go to visit Keiji in the hospital. We both talked for so long until I found out Kanna had told him about my relationship problem. That brat. I'll shout at her later. He actually was very kind to me after that. Even though, he used to have a crush on Koushi when we were younger.

I went back home to find my father making out with another hot chick. So disgusting. He saw me standing there and he shouted at me to get out and started running towards me. I ran as fast as I could. He was still behind me, so I went through the narrow passage and ended up crushing into Koushi. What a great day. Worst of all, it was getting cold and I didn't have a jacket. I guess I was blushing or something because he realised immediately that I was cold and gave me his jacket. So cuuuuuuute.

I can't believe his brother is coming for a visit. That is just great. I think the last time they saw each other was nearly a year ago. It's so sad to have separate brothers. Worst of all realising they both could be together if their grandparents didn't dislike people like Koushi, who are born different. They are horrible.

I hoped on his bike and he cycled all through town. I shouted at him different directions so he wouldn't be crushed by a car or bumped another person. Now I'm waiting outside. I hope I don't disturb their reuniting. But it was so kind of Koushi to invite me along. I shouldn't be so happy about it though.

Pov Sugawara

I run to the train that arrived from Kyoto. Platform 9. Great here it is.

Train arriving from Kyoto in 30 seconds.

I arrived just in time. Great. Now let me catch my breathe. That was a good run. Uf. And here it is. Masaki is twelve years old so his able to travel by himself. I think this is his first time travelling without adult supervision. I hope he is okay.

Busy adults. Grandparents on vacation. Family in vacation. Oh, a school trip. Parent. Parent. Adult. Young adult. Really young adult. University student. No kids. No kids. Where the hell, is he?

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