Chapter 2

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Pov Sugawara

Today I'm going to start senior high at Karasuno High School. It's not one of those prestigious senior schools my parents wanted me to choose. I selected Karasuno because of the volleyball club. I know it's been down of its league for the last few years but I have the sensation I will make better friends here than in other places.

I've always loved volleyball. Ever since I was forced to watch a match. Although, I'm not exceptionally good at it. I'm a setter. Setters are supposed to be the centre of attacks. Even if there is a great spiker, he or she will not be able to spike without a good pass from a setter. I've always been good when it comes to being the support of other people. But there is still a problem. I get scared when I have to spike or attack. When I first started playing volleyball, I was able to spike but now I'm not. Whenever I try to do it the feeling of failure and disappointment run inside of me scaring me to death. I've not been able to do so since May of my third year of middle school.

I've been nervous all week because of starting my new school, new volleyball club, new people, but somehow seeing Shimizu here has calmed me down. Why I'm not surprised? I don't know. We've known each other for so long I can't imagine school without her.

Ever since primary both boys and girls have been talking about how beautiful she is, and so many people have had crushes on her before. At first, I didn't realised but now I understand why so many people love her. I never realised how beautiful she was.

Huh. Ok so now I'm a freak too. Welcome to the club Koushi. Congratulations. Next time remember to sign the papers. OMG.

Time skips (volleyball club)

"Hello, my name is Hidemi Tashiro. I'm the actual captain of the team. Could you please introduce yourselves?" So that is the captain of the team huh. He seems like the fair type. Ok, just keep smiling and act natural.

"Hi, I'm Sawamura Daichi, I'm a wing spiker. Nice to meet you."

"Hello, I'm Sugawara Koushi, I'm a setter." I think my heart skipped a beat. For a second I could see eyes looking at me from outside. Just smile, I told myself.

"Hi, m-my name is Azumane Asahi. I-Im a wing spiker." Wow and I thought I was nervous. This must be another level. "Hahahahaha. There is no need to worry you three. We don't bite. Welcome to the team." "Thank you so much, captain!"

I do not know if this could be described as a normal practice. There wasn't even a teacher supervising or anything. Like no one said anything, I acted as if it was normal. Although Sawamura didn't. "Sorry captain, but doesn't this team have a coach or something." "Oh, not really. Our last coach. The famous coach Ukai retired two years ago and since then we have to train ourselves." "Really doesn't the school do anything?"

"Not really. They are still looking for a teacher to supervise the club." "I see. Thanks, captain."

Not so long afterwards, he came to us and asked us to do an extra practice with him, which we agreed. I mean there isn't anything better for me to do. And well here we are now. At reunion about how everything is going to work out.

"Ok, so starting with introductions." Sawamura started saying. "Didn't we do that before? I mean your Sawamura Daichi, and you are Azumane Asahi, right?" "Yeah, totally got it, Sugawara. What I mean is that you can all call me Daichi and not Sawamura." "Oh, that makes more sense." I smiled putting a dumb look so they could see that I was joking. Making friends is hard.

"Well then. You can call me Asahi. I prefer being called by my first name by my friends and since we are in the same volleyball club then that makes us friends." "See, now you get it. How about you Sugawara." "How do your friends call you?" Dammit. I never thought I would make friends so easily what am I supposed to say. "Well, I don't really know." "Huh. You must be kidding I mean your friends need to have call you by some name right." They laughed. What is so funny? I have a total of four friends. My oldest friend calls me something that isn't Sugawara and which I'm not going to say out loud and my other friends call me Koushi. But I prefer them calling me by that name than by new friends I barely know.

"What about we call you Koushi? It's your first name, right?" "Yeah, good idea Asahi at the end you can call us by our first names." "No way. Anything but my first name." Fuck I snapped. They looked really surprised. "What the hell." Daichi said under his breath. "Oh, sorry. You know you can just call me Suga, ok." "Oh, ok then Suga it is."

I think I could've fainted back then. After that I helped them with their spikes, Daichi with our receives and Asahi with our serving (his enormous by the way). I haven't had so much fun in a while.


"Hey guys." "Hey Daichi, whats up?" "Well, I was thinking last night, if the team would be better with a manager." "Now that you mention it I asked the captain if we could find one." "Aaaand." "We have one week to find a manager lets ask."

And their gone. What a surprise. It's incredible how I'm able to vanish even at the sight of my own 'friends' if you could call them like that. I better head to class.

I've been alone for so long. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin