I drag her out of the room and search for an empty room that we can use without being overheard. After about 5 minutes of wandering I just pull her into the first room I see and lock the door.

"What!?!" Paris asks me exasperated. She had been asking me what's wrong the whole time we were walking.

I sigh, "What do you think? G! What's going on with her?"

She groans, rubbing her hand over her face in exhaustion. "Right now, she needs space, but we need someone to talk to her soon because she's slipping. Pretty soon all that will remain is the Ghost. Galaxy will be gone forever."

I collapse into a chair. "Shit! I didn't realise how bad it was. Is she really that far gone? I... I... I can't lose her again. She's my big sister. She... she deserves to be happy and this is just going to set her back another 10 years."

Paris nods, but I can see the annoyance just sitting in her eyes. "Did you honestly think that she wasn't going to relapse? Her family was almost murdered by a person we all called sister and to make matters worse she claims that it was to protect her from us! G was never going to come out of this unscathed."

"I know! It's just... What the hell was Ashley thinking? Galaxy wasn't stable enough for any of this to happen." I dejectedly groan.

"Well what should we do about it?" Paris asks. I don't miss the small bit of hope in her eyes that I have a plan.

I sit there for a moment thinking, but right as I am about to say something Mark opens the door. "I heard everything. Leave it to me."

I jump at the sudden sound, but protest the second his words register in my head. "You don't understand. Mark, she can't be reached. Her emotions have been locked in a box in a vault that's in another vault. The last time she was like this she went on a year long killing spree and loved entirely as the ghost the whole time. We couldn't even break her out of it, a little girl begged her to save her father because it was her grandfather forcing him to do the stuff that got him killed."

"Her mind is always on the verge of falling back there. That's why she always walked away when your parents asked what happened there. Talking about it made her slip farther and farther into the darkness, as she calls it." Paris butts in.

Mark nods as if he understands, but I keep going anyway. "One wrong move, she's stuck there for an eternity. No offense, but we've known her longer, you talking to her is just going to push her to leave."

He scoffs at me, "No shit sherlock, but you said it yourself she's your big sister. She won't listen to someone she believes she needs to protect, she needs her big brother right now... And if it makes you feel better I won't speak more than 10 words, I'll just listen."

Paris turns to me, "That won't work. Galaxy doesn't have the mindset to talk about anything right now. We either need someone to beat some sense into her or to lock her in a cell till she comes to her senses."

Mark rolls his eyes behind her, "G doesn't need to be forced into anything. That's what's put us in this situation. She needs to be allowed to make her own decisions and not be forced into anything again."

I weigh what both of them said, trying to decide which of them is right. Suddenly it hits me, "You're both right. Yes, she won't listen to either of us, but she also won't talk to us. Honestly there is nothing we can do, so everything is on G to pull through this on her own."

Reluctantly they both agree to leave her alone. Mark starts shaking his head anxiously, "what the hell do we tell the girls?"

Paris freezes at the question, "Nothing... At least nothing unless she leaves."

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