Blood Stain: Akashi's Bad Ending

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"Silence: 1"


A Month Later

Kuroko pov

I sit still looking at my captor with a distasteful look on my face as he brought a spoon to my mouth. I reluctantly open my mouth letting Akashi put the spoonful of calming soup into my mouth. My hands and arms were bound to the bed post loose enough for me to be able to walk a few feet from the bed. I was able to stand up but nothing more. Instead of simply rope binding me I was secured with chains in fact the same chains that had been binding Kise before he died. Akashi had made sure to inform me of that after the third attempt at running away from him. He hadn't killed me yet but kept me as some sort of pet. 

"Does it taste good? I was the one who made it not my maids or butlers!" Akashi said his mouth turned up into a hateful smirk. I turn my head away.

"I'm not hungry. Fuck off." I snap at him pushing away the next spoonful of miso soup. The man gave me a sour look but nodded purposefully pouring a bit of the house soup on my feet making me yelp in pain. My feet were already red from him doing this anytime I said I wasn't hungry. Which was quite a lot. 

"I'll be right back Tet.Su.Ya." he said in his sing song voice taking the bowl with him and walking out of my cage, in other words, his huge room. I lean my head on the headboard wondering how I got into this situation. I already knew the answer but I still went through the steps in my head anytime I began to think that death would be a better option for me. 

Kagami pov

"We've located Akashi Seijuro's house. I have a suspicion that he is keeping Kuroko." I say to my superiors. They gave me a short nod telling me to get a squad ready and that we would leave for the house in ten minutes. I nod and briskly walk the other direction. 

Once everyone was gathered me and a few other officers left for the Akashi mansion. My nerves were beginning to get to me, I hadn't seen Kuroko for a month now. I knew he wasn't dead since the last time that Akashi killed someone he had given the head to someone and no one had reported a blue haired mans head on their doorstep yet. This only gave me a bit of hope since he was still being trapped by the monster. 

It took about ten minutes to arrive at the mansion. I stood looking at the place with a feeling of pure dread as I stationed part of the squad outside the perimeters of the house and the others followed me. I took a deep breath trying the door knowing it would be locked. It of course was locked so I went to the extreme of just knocking the door off it's hinges. Me and the others rushed into the house heading into the giant house. I heard movement from the kitchen and headed over there noticing a few frozen in place maids and butlers staring at me with pleading eyes.

"Where is he?" I demand one of them. They point inside the kitchen and shy away from the area after I told them to get out of the house with their hands up just so the rest of the squad wouldn't shoot. When I ran into the kitchen I saw the man in question holding a gun of his own. Where in the hell did he get his bloodstained hands on a gun? He looked at me with a sick look and began to shoot randomly some of the bullets hitting the wall behind me as I was quick to dodge all of them. One of the bullets somehow hit my left hand making me cry out in pain. I turn towards the redhead and aim my own firearm at the man. I had been given permission from the other officers that if it came to it I was allow to kill him. After all he should've been charged for murder, and two kidnappings. 

"Hah? Your gonna shoot me!?" He screamed like a maniac opening his arms in a spread eagle manner.

"You can take that fucking brat as well! Just make sure to kill him as well! I still want him to be with me in-" I cut his words off with a quick shot to the chest. It was as if it happened in slow motion, the man who had killed Kise Ryouta and held my friend captive fell back into the wall behind him leaving a small blood stain on the wall as he then crumbled to the floor. I dropped the gun I was holding and clutched at my hand holding it firmly too make sure I didn't loose too much blood. Minutes later one of the other squad members came to my side holding a too skinny looking Kuroko. The man was sleeping but his breathing was too fast for sleep. 

"We need to get him to a hospital." the man carrying him said before looking at the dead body of Akashi.

"Get Kuroko to safety before anything else." I command. The two of us stand in silence looking at the body and listening to the heavy breathing Kuroko was.......

No longer giving us. 

I glance worriedly at the blue haired man to find that his chest was no longer rising and falling. I put my hand to where his heart beat would be to find that nothing was happening. Panicked I put my hand over his mouth to check if he was actually dead. No breath seemed to be coming from his nose or mouth. The silence filled the room at the realization of what had happened. They were both dead. Akashi and kuroko, one shot to death and the other most likely a heart failure. 

Silence ( Yandere Akashi x Kuroko)Where stories live. Discover now