Blood Stain: 11

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Kuroko pov

When I woke up I was hit with a horrible pain running across my entire forehead. I went to rub it with my hand but found I couldn't move my arms more then a few inches off the place I was laying down on. I let out a panicked chirp and looked to see that my hands had been tied with cloth to the sides of a huge king sized bed with maroon colored sheets. I could just see the color of the pillow if I turned my head to the side enough. It was a dark orange and yellow mix that looked like rusted gold. I look at the rest of the room panic edging deeper and Deeper Into my body as I saw picture after picture of me up  on the wall. I guessed this was Akashi's room

Since I knew of his sick obsession with me. He was practically stalking me! I hear footsteps outside the room and jerk my head to face the door as it creaked open revealing the man who had gotten me into this mess. Akashi Seijurou in his horrible glory. The man was holding a mug that looked to be filled with steamy hot tea. When he saw that I was awake he quickly set the tea down and rushed to my side. Seconds later he was doing the unthinkable, the red head jerkwad was kissing me!

"G-get the hwell woff!" I say my words being drowned out by the man kissing me. When he asked for entrance to my mouth I let him in only to bite down hard on his tongue making he retract himself from me and glare. 

"Don't you dare do that again!" I snap at the killer. He just smirked at me and responded by saying a quick, 'if you say so' before getting up and twirling like a ballerina around his room. A gleeful expression plastered on his features.

"Let me go!" I demand him while trying to pull my hands free from the constraints even though I could tell that by just simply pulling I wouldn't be set free. He stopped twirling and looked at me with a sadistic grin on his face. 

"Your not leaving, besides if you even tried to leave I would break every bone in your body and leave you to die on the ground. I might even keep your dead corpse to play with like a doll!" He smirked at me. I turn my head away disgusted and utterly terrified. I knew that deep down I should've just locked the guy away when I had the chance. Now here I was stuck at the murderers house tied to his bed and listening to him rant about how he would kill me If I ran. 

"And if I don't run from you, then what?" I ask genuinely curious what might be in store for me if no one came looking for me. His face softened a bit which surprised me. He looked like a fairy normal person along with the way he spoke. It didn't sound sadistic or cruel in anyway.

"If you stay here with me without trying to run then I'd give you everything in the entire world except the freedom to leave me! I would treat you to whatever you wanted and kill thoughts who got in the way of our relationship. Anyone who would try and hurt you would be on my bad list and you would never have to see them or speak to them ever again. I would comfort you when you are sad and lonely and let you ride my hoarse when we go to my other houses! I would give you as much affection as you needed and would even cut your hair when your bangs get too long!" The red head said in an enthusiastic tone. He sounded like a child at their birthday party ranting about all the too-good-too-be-true presents that they received. 

I thought about the options he had given me. The second one didn't seem that bad but then again I was strapped to his bed at the moment and this guy, he killed the man I had previously kissed. He had killed one of my closest friends who's not to say that his sweet words were just a lie to get me to stay so he would have a better chance at killing me?! Obsessed or not, Akashi Seijuro is insane and unpredictable it was as if the man had two personalities! 

"I just want you to let me go..." I say more to myself then to Akashi. The mismatched eye man tilted his head.

"But you know Tetsuya that I cannot do that for you..." He said trailing his sentence off. I nod and turn back around. I just wish the other officers and Kagami noticed my disappearance and came looking. I wish I had never gone to his house, I wish that Kise never died but most of all I wish I wasn't trapped here with a man who was off his hinges in more than one way.

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