Blood Stain: 4

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"Dead on Tuesday" 

Akashi pov

I hummed a short and sweet tune to myself before heading outside to get some food from the dumpsters to feed to the sad excuse for a human that was staying in my room. I was beginning to wonder what my Tetsuya's reaction to possibly seeing Kise's dead body. They were apparently more then friends so I was curious what his reaction would be to seeing a bloody Kise. I smile and go to the back of the local grocery store to the dumpsters. I rummage through them a bit until I find an old and half rotten apple and a half eaten box of what looked to be stale pocky. I take the gross food back home stopping to look and see if I could see the blue haired cutie in his apartment but to my dismay he wasn't by his window. I wonder if he tried to contact Kise but was unable to. What a shame for my Tetsuya. He shouldn't worry though, I'll let him see his friend again pretty soon.


I arrived back at my mansion and placed the rotting food in one of my drawers to my desk. I then sit down beginning to due paper work for my own business. I needed to keep up with my work to keep the impression of an upstanding citizen especially since I'm so rich. Once I finished my work I pressed send on a few emails before heading out again to go and actually talk to my precious Tetsuya. I slipped on some sneakers and left the house knowing that the young man would be confused due to the fact that his friend wasn't going to be going on there daily walk. I smirk to myself at the thought of Kise sitting in the white room slowly loosing grip on the world around him. 

I approach the fast food restaurant and saw a blue blob enter the store. I rush in past him and follow the police officer to the back of the line. He was looking at his phone but since I was directly behind him I was unable to read or see what he was doing. I didn't need to see it to know what he was trying to do. I shouldn't put Kise's phone on mute since it was most likely blowing up with messages. I head the door behind me open and close. I take my chance and walk into the blue haired boy pretending as if I had been pushed into him by the newcomer. 

"Sorry about that Te-sir." I say swallowing the beauty's name. Tetsuya turned around and faced me giving me a gentle yet slightly worried smile. I could tell just by looking at his face he was worried for his friend. How sweet. 

"It's alright. Oh I've seen you around my neighborhood before." the man exclaimed turning to face me. 

"Hmm, I think I may have seen you a few times as well. I'm Akashi Seijuro it's a pleasure to meet you." I hold out a hand to the blue haired male. He took it and gave a little shake. 

"Nice to meet you Akashi, I'm Kuroko Tetsuya." he said before releasing our hands and turning back around to face the front. I smile at the feeling of my Tetsuya's hand in mine. I wish he hadn't pulled away so soon. I watched as the blue haired male ordered his usual and looked around noticing that there was a table empty. Hmm, this was new, Tetsuya never stayed at the restaurant he always just ordered and left. Maybe he's staying because his monster friend isn't here with him. I watch the man walk to his table before ordering my own vanilla shake. By drinking the same drink that my dear sweet Tetsuya drank it made it feel as though we that much closer to each other. I walk over to a table close to my Tetsuya. He was still looking at his phone with the same worried expression. I slurped my drink peacefully until an idea popped into my head. I look at the table and smirk a bit. Leaving my shake on the table I get up and ask the woman at the serving counter if I could borrow a pen. The woman smiled at me and handed me a pen. I thanked her and grabbed my napkin beginning to write three words carefully. I knew that my dear Tetsuya would understand the words if he looked at them long enough. Especially with his dear friend Kise not responding to any of his messages. I smile at the writing and take another gulp of my vanilla shake smiling at it wonder what the drink would taste like if I dropped in Kise's blood. I bet it would be even better then before. I grin and get up from my table taking the napkin and walk briskly over to Tetsuya's table dropping it on his phone. I then walked out of the restaurant heading home to greet Kise. 

Kuroko pov

The red head, Akashi briskly walked passed me but he dropped his napkin on my phone as he passed me. I was about to give the napkin back to him telling him that it belonged to him when I saw pen markings written on the other side. I turn the napkin the other way reading the three distinctly written words on the napkin. 


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