Blood Stain: 1

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"You Get One Week"

Akashi pov

He's laughing with that guy again. That blonde haired model, Kise Ryouta. Why doesn't he ever pay attention to the others around him? Why doesn't he pay attention to me?

You've never spoken with him Seijuro.

my other self piped up smiling at me while calmly sitting in his chair looking at me with sadistic looking eyes. I turn away from myself leaving behind the inner world and staring at Kise and Tetsuya. My Tetsuya. They were entering a fast food restaurant. Due to watching the two every day I already knew what my Tetsuya would order, a vanilla shake. It got one every day after his shift as a police officer was over. My Tetsuya worked from 6 in the morning till 4 in the afternoon after that he would go over to one of his co-workers house for a quick hour of relaxing. After that my Tetsuya would head over to where Kise worked as a model and the two would go for a calming walk talking about their day. The two always went to the same store ordering the same things then they would split ways my Tetsuya heading to his apartment only a few blocks away and Kise to wherever he lived. 

Just as expected a few minutes later the two exited and waved goodbye to each other getting awfully close to each other. I glare at the sight of my Tetsuya so close to someone else. The worst part about the situation was that it happened every day with Kise getting closer and closer to my dear sweet Tetsuya every time they said their goodbyes. I began to follow Tetsuya at a distance watching as he slurped his milkshake with a soft smile on his gentle features.

I want to be the one causing that smile not some filthy model or a stupid milkshake!

I angrily thought while getting closer and closer to the blue haired boy. My red and orange eyes narrowing as I resisted the urge to knock the sweet beverage from the young mans soft looking hands. I clench my fist forcing my body to stop moving as to not disturb the blue haired boy. I shouldn't ruin his day. After the boy turned the corner and disappeared I sigh before turning around and heading to my own mansion. 


I picked at the dinner that one of my butlers had prepared for me. It didn't matter how good or high quality the food was, the meal would never be complete without Tetsuya sitting next to me. I frown at the meal before me and push it aside towards one of my maids.

"Is something the matter Master Akashi?" she asked while looking at the half eaten food before her. I smirk at her, the woman seemed so scared of me but the only person who needed to be scared was that damn Kise Ryouta. For all I cared Kise could kiss his pretty little life away and rot away in the pits of hell. 

"Not in the least, could you put the food away for later when I feel more hungry?" I say in a questioning tone though the maid was smart enough to know it wasn't a question but an order. 

"Yes of course." she said taking the plate of food and rushing into the kitchen. I sigh and lean backwards in my chair tilting my head back seeing that my red locks had drifted into my face. What an annoyance. I should cut my hair, my bangs are getting too long again. I let out a huff and get up from my chair exiting the dinning room and heading up the stairs to my private bathroom that was connected to my room. I went to the cabinet and took out a pair of hair cutting scissors. Looking into the mirror I leaned over the sink and took a few snips at my hair listening to the satisficing sound the scissors made as they sliced through my red hair making it look as if blood was falling into the sink. 

If you weren't such a pussy and were scared of me I would easily let the blood of that monster Kise fall into this very sink.

I look into the mirror glaring at my reflection as if glaring into my own mind at the other me. 

"As much I like that idea I can't allow you to run around." I say out loud putting a hand on the mirror and setting the scissors down. 

You're just afraid of what would happen? Don't worry, I'd take care of it for you and you wouldn't have to worry at all. Unless of course, you'd like to-

"Shut up! Since we're the same we both want him. I'll give that Kise a week and if he doesn't back off which I doubt he will We can take him out." I say to the mirror. I felt myself allow a cruel smile flutter across my face. 

Just one week. I'm giving you one week Kise Ryouta. 

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