Blood Stain: 5

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"Missing Model"

Kuroko pov

I read the words over and over again then looked to my phone at all the messages that hadn't been responded to let alone read. I think of when the red haired man first introduced himself to me. He had said something along the lines of, "Sorry about that Te-sir." Did the guy already know my name or something? What did the words mean or was I just overthinking something. I mean this all could just be a coincidence but why would a napkin say these words? With even more troubled thoughts fluttering around my head I stand up taking the rest of my milkshake outside to get some fresh air and begin my journey back home. I replayed the moments when me and the red head, Akashi meant and the more I did the more he seemed a bit off. I shake my head trying to ignore my increasingly odd thoughts about the man. 

"Stop over thinking things, this is exactly what Momoi likes to warn me about. I overthink way to much." I say to myself heading up the elevator to my apartment room. 

Akashi pov

I arrive back at home and head to the white room with the food from earlier and a pair of scissors. I enter the room and greeted by heavy shouting at me. 

"Let me the fuck out of here! I hate it here! I beg you let me go!" Kise screeched at me his eyes were crazed and looked tired despite only being a day since he was locked in here. I smile sweetly at him bringing the food towards him.

"I'm afraid that I can't end your suffering until Tuesday and that means you still have a bit longer to live seeing that it's only Saturday." I say patting his sweaty blonde hair. He jerked his head away from me and attempted to bite my finger.

"Really? It only took a day to make you loose it? Models must be very fragile things." I say before forcing his mouth open and showing in a rotting piece of pocky. I let the man process the food choking on it a bit due to the fact I had forced him to eat the food. 

"Now that you've gotten a bit of food It's time for you to pay up!" I say looking at his fearful brown eyes.

"Don't worry it's just a cut on your cheek." I say holding the scissors open, dangling them in the mans face making the fearful expression get even worse.

"No!" he screamed at me yet again jerking his head away from the scissors. This of course only made it worse for him since the cut dragged deeper then I had originally intended. Blood dripped down his left cheek and dripped to his chin. I smile at it before feeding the terrified model the rest of the rotten pocky. I couldn't have the guy dying on me. 

"I'll come back in a few hours to let you go to the bathroom. Lucky for you, you'll have you're own bathroom to yourself!" I say taking the rest of the rotten food with me and leaving the white room. 

Two days Later (Monday)

Kuroko pov

Over the last few days I had become even more worried and started to ask people at the police station if they had seen Kise. I asked Kasamatsu, Kise's manager if he knew where Kise had gone but just like everyone else Kasamatsu hadn't seen him. I had kept the strange napkin and read it over and over again beginning to feel the unease of the words sinking into me. What was the meaning of the words? Dead on Tuesday. I had even made missing posters of Kise and hung them up around town putting them in places that the two of us liked to hang out. I hadn't seen him since we kissed on Friday...

I went back home after getting my usual vanilla shake and looked at the napkins note. Dead on Tuesday. I suddenly felt a horrible lump form in my throat as I rushed to check the date on my phone. It was Monday, tomorrow would be Tuesday. I looked at the first words and thought of the timing of receiving the napkin from Akashi. Was Kise going to die tomorrow? Was he going to be killed? Was Akashi Seijuro responsible for the disappearance of my model friend? What was going on?

I put my shoes back on and take my phone with me rushing with the napkin outside the apartment buildings and down the street. The red head lived somewhere down this way. I begin to knock on everyone's door hoping that the red haired man would open it and I could ask him to his face about Kise. To my dismay none of the people who opened the door even had red hair. I asked them about a model named Kise Ryouta. Some of them said they'd seen him in magazines but not one actually had spoken to the man. I checked my phone for the time seeing that it was already 9:30 pm. According to the napkin Kise would die some time tomorrow. I couldn't let that happen! I wouldn't allow that to happen.

Silence ( Yandere Akashi x Kuroko)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें