
"Arjun jiju proposed to Naina Didi in front of Eiffel tower. It was her dream proposal," Padmanabh spoke.

"Wow, That's so sweet."

Vrishali never had a dream date or dream proposal as she never thought about it. But she thought she would be having a proposal as she was going to marry a foreigner.

Instead of a proposal, she had an engagement. She doesn't regret though after all this. She is grateful that she married Padmanabh not someone else.

"How is Vijay?" Vrishali asked.

"He is doing good, he went to Sydney to meet Tania," Padmanabh said.

"Yes, I have seen the post on his feed. She is pretty," Vrishali said taking a bite of the lamb.

She placed her fork down and picked her phone. She clicked pictures of Padmanabh.

"Smile... I'm not eating you or beating you," Vrishali said.

"I don't know how to pose," Padmanabh spoke.

"Lol, you got an Adonis face and body. Just sit normally and look at the camera giving that intense look."

"Why would I give intense look to the camera?"

"Then give it to me but keep your eyes focused on the camera."


Vrishali clicked Padmanabh's pictures then gave her phone to him to click her pictures.

"I will take your photos on my phone," Padmanabh said.


Vrishali patted down her dress and coat, pushed her back smiling at the camera. She changed her position and expressions posing for the camera.

"I will remove my coat," Vrishali said.

"Okay." Padmanabh waited as Vrishali stood up removing her coat.

Vrishali looked like a model to Padmanabh as he clicked her pictures. She took his breath away and Padmanabh understood that Vrishali is photogenic.

Then they clicked pictures together. When they are done with the photos Vrishali put her coat back.

"Have you decided the name for the hostel?" Padmanabh asked eating his dessert.


"What did you decide?"

"Hostel Vrinabh," Vrishali says excitedly.

'Vrinabh.' Padmanabh repeated the word in his mind.

"Sounds good."

"Do you wanna know how I got the name?" Vrishali asked.


"It's our names... Vri from Vrishali and nabh from Padmanabh. I wanted it to be special. At first, I thought of Padmali but I decided on Vrinabh," Vrishali explained.

Padmanabh looked at Vrishali in surprise, he didn't know that Vrishali decided the name based on their names. He thought Vrinabh is a word which he doesn't know.

"I don't have any words, that's a great idea." Padmanabh spoke with an impressed look.

"Thank you." Vrishali smiled tucking her hair.


"Vrishali... Look here," Padmanabh said.

"Wow, that looks so beautiful." Vrishali awed looking at the Christmas lights. Vrishali held onto Padmanabh's hand as they strolled through the streets aimlessly.

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