The Pirate King's Sorrow [Luffy x Reader] (NR)

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The wait was killing you. You already felt useless, and now being there and still being unable to help was truly taking a toll on you.

The door to the yellow submarine opened once again that morning. You lifted you head, following the sound. Law stood still for a moment, breathing in the clear air, before turning to you with that somber expression of his that told you the wait wasn't over yet.

You leaned back against a tree, your arms resting on your knees.

"Don't you wanna come inside to see him?" he had asked.

"No," you had replied.

As much as you desperately wanted to see your captain's face again, you feared the image of his lifeless body connected to so many machines would haunt your dreams for the rest of your life. You had decided to wait. You will see him when he awakes. That's what you told yourself. Because he had to awake. The thought of losing him... your mind couldn't just process that.


"(Y/N)-chan, why do you stay here with us?" Shachi asked you casually one day as he came back with his bowl of soup.

You glanced in his direction before returning your attention to the spoon in your hand.

"I don't trust Boa," you simply stated.

What else were you supposed to say? It was the truth after all. Boa clearly disliked you simply because you were a woman and you represented a threat to her imaginary relationship with Luffy.

A threat... If only she knew.

You didn't saw her as a threat to your romance with the black-haired boy, but as a potential enemy. And so you had avoided staying inside the city she ruled. Besides, if you had to stand Boa fangirling over Luffy you would probably start a fight that would put everybody in a difficult position. That and that you needed to be as near as possible from your captain.

"Ahh? If I had the chance to be inside with all the women to myself..." Shachi went on, but you tuned him out for the sake of your sanity.

Instead, you focused on the conversation that Law was currently having with Margaret. You hadn't had the chance to ask him that day about Luffy's condition, and so the information interested you deeply.

"Has Luffy woken up yet?" the tall girl asked the surgeon hopefully.

Law shook his head. You sighed. As much as you had hope in your captain's will to live, you had to admit that, as the days went by, dark thoughts had started clouding your mind. The surgeon glanced in your direction once the Amazon had left his side, and you held his gaze. Leaving the bowl of soup on the floor in front of you, you stood up to stretch.

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