An Agreement [Kid x Reader]

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Glancing across the table with half-lidded eyes, you observed with utter boredom the two men that were currently snarling at each other like dogs defending their territory.

If anyone had told you that that was how you were going to spend the day, you would have considered your options, because not even the sight of the shirtless redhead was worth the headache that you had been nursing for the past hour.

From the corner of your eye, you saw Killer approaching —​his defeated posture letting you know that he, too, could be using his time in a far more efficient way. The blond stopped right next to your chair, and offered you one of the two glasses of wine he carried in his hands as a palliative measure.

You waved your hand in the air vaguely, but thanked him anyway for the offer before finally deciding that you had had enough of that shitshow. If they wanted to continue wasting their time, that was on them.

Instead, and with newfound determination, you sat back up and rose to your feet, dragging the chair across the floor deliberately.

The noise prompted Kid and Scratchmen Apoo to cease their bickering —​something that your head appreciated immensely—, and they both turned to you with questioning looks. Even Hawkins, who had been all too absorbed in his cards, gazed over at you with renewed interest.

"If you excuse me," you said, abandoning your position on the table and making your way towards the exit.

Much to your dismay, however, the door was behind Kid's chair, and he, being all worked up due to the other pirate's antics as he was, grabbed your wrist roughly when you were about to pass him by.

"Where do you think you're going?" he inquired menacingly.

You had learnt to ignore his antics pretty early on, with half the stuff that came out of his mouth being expletives and all that, but that didn't mean you were fine with him treating you like a rag doll whenever he pleased. That shit still bothered you more than you cared to admit.

You met his furious stare with bored eyes and yanked your hand away from his. "Back to my ship, since you're making me waste my time here," you stated calmly.

You were, notwithstanding, as calm as the angry sea in the middle of a storm. It was clearly visible in your posture, and how your eyes were drilling holes into Kid's skull.

And for a normal person that would have sufficed; they would have understood that you were not to mess with in that moment. The problem was that the redhead hated being challenged more than anything, and so he was soon opening his mouth to bark out a number of colourful expletives to one up you.

But, before he could actually let out any word, you brought your index finger to his lips, successfully making him freeze in place and his mind go completely blank.

"I'm not asking for permission, I'm telling you."

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