Sleepless Nights [Kid x Reader]

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Kid sucked in a breath as his eyelids fluttered open.

He took in his surroundings, disoriented, as his pupils dilated to adjust to the darkness of the room, yet it was only when his eyes landed on your figure that he allowed the weight on his chest to slowly disappear.

It had been a while since he had had nightmares, his mind usually too busy to give any attention to idleness fears.

He sat up in bed —the thin sheet he had draped over you two hours before sliding from his chest and piling on his hips—, and brought a hand to his sweaty mess of red hair to comb it back. He could feel the start of a headache, and he cursed under his breath as he let his digits drop to his side.

He hated it. He didn't need his brain to terrorize his dreams. He should be in fucking control of himself.

Kid glanced at you, allowing his eyes to scan the silhouette of your body under the fabric.

He still wondered sometimes why you were with him: He knew he wasn't easy to deal with, that not many people liked or even could put up with his personality. And although he usually didn't care, he couldn't help but to be curious about what had made you stay around for so long.

He let his index finger caress your back, drawing a straight line to the base of your neck.

He was not the romantic type, had a hard time expressing anything in a non-violent way. Anger was easy; violence was simple, raw. Love, on the other hand, was complicated, and he hated it. He despised anything that made him weak in any way... And yet, he had fallen for you, hard.

The warmth of his touch brought you slowly from the Dream-world, and the sheets shuffled as you slowly half-turned to look at him in the unlit room. You felt his hand recoil, and barely caught the almost guilty expression plastered on the shadow of his features as he snapped out of his thoughts and met your gaze.

"You okay?" you wondered.

You furrowed your eyebrows, a small frown creasing your forehead as your hand travelled to his arm to caress his burning skin.

"Why shouldn't I?" he nearly scoffed.

You pressed your lips to suppress the sigh waiting to escape your throat. "Then why are you awake?"

You didn't need to look at the watch on your night stand to know that it was still quite early in the morning. The serene silence that filled every corner of the ship in that moment was only present when the rest of the world was sleeping.

"It's too hot in here," Kid replied as he abandoned the bed and fished his t-shirt from the pile of clothes you two had left on the floor hours before. "Imma go smoke, go back to sleep."

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