Eternal Reminders [Kid x Reader]

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Oh, he was pissed. He was truly pissed.

In fact, Kid had reached that level of anger in which he no longer seemed even remotely mad, in which his expression was so stoic and his movements so mechanical one would think he had gone through the same procedures as Bartholomeo Kuma to become more robot than human.

The whole scene would have an almost statuesque feel to it if someone stopped time right in that moment, with the imposing pirate gripping a random marine's smaller figure by the neck and bringing him to eye level. His knuckles even acquired a marble-like tint as he tightened his hold on the tanned skin. And Kid didn't even want to get any information out of the man, no. His amber irises were fixated on his contorted expression, taking in every small involuntary spasm and waiting to hear that certain pop, that insignificant and barely noticeable sound that would kill the frantic spark still visible in the soldier's gaze.

When he was left holding the carcass of what was once a man, he simply let go, and focused on finding his next victim in the sea of people fighting on deck.

He could hear Killer somewhere in the upper part of the ship -the clashing of his scythes against metal a clear indicator that his first mate had found a remotely challenging enemy to play with. He looked in their direction out of habit; yet, without missing a heartbeat, he raised his metal hand to stop the sword that had been swung towards him.

The mechanic met the marine's shocked stare as the blade crumbled in his fingers, and he didn't hesitate to get a hold of the white and blue uniform when the man tried to retreat.

"Do you really think you can steal from me and attack me and get out alive?"

It was merely a murmur, something that would have got lost in the ruckus surrounding them hadn't the soldier been so focused on him. But the words weren't what finally sent a shiver down the poor soul's spine, and neither the pure display of strength. It was the sharp smirk, the chuckle that was void of any actual happiness.

The scene repeated itself until only the Kid Pirates remained on deck. Well, and the captain of that forsaken ship, who was currently kneeling in front of an old Den Den Mushi with a scythe against his Adam's apple.

It was evident the animal had seen better days, with its shell chipped and its patterns partly faded. For a second, the redhead doubted it would even work, and wondered to himself if it would be best to just make somebody go fetch theirs, but the snail straightened up the moment he picked up the speaker, and it diligently ran for a good half a minute until someone decided to answer the call.

If Kid had had any patience left in his body, by then it was already gone.

The officer on the other side -a Vice admiral, they learnt soon enough- barely had any time to finish his first sentence before Kid interrupted him. He didn't plan for it to be a long conversation. Hell, he didn't want it to be a fucking conversation.

"I'm Eustass Kid, from the Kid Pirates. I've just fucked up one of your boats, I have one of your rats here with me to prove it."

The pirate kicked the marine so hard in the stomach that he bent forward as he choked on some of his own blood. It was only afterwards, between grunts and gasps, that the soldier was able to mutter a plead towards his superior.

"Enough," Kid let out as he rolled his eyes and pushed the man away from the snail by the forehead. He had better things to do than to watch him crying and begging for his life. He should have thought about that before taking anything from them. From him.

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