B*tch, I'll Knife You [Zoro x Reader] (NR)

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Sweaty skin against skin and heavy breathes.

He tightened his grip on your right thigh, lifting you up slightly so you wouldn't fall and pinning you with his hips before kissing his way up from your collarbone to your neck.

"Zoro." You moaned his name as you tangled your fingers in his green hair.

The swordsman breathed deeply to control himself and reclaimed your lips, his hands traveling down your body, exploring every inch they could reach.

If ten hours ago someone had told you that you would be in that situation with him, you'd have probably laughed.


"I swear to God I'm gonna kill you," you spat as Franky held you so you wouldn't punch Zoro.

"Yeah? Bring it on! Come on!" he shouted as he came closer to you, only to be stopped by an unamused Nami.

"I don't know what's going on but stop it, okay? Go cool down somewhere else," Nami shooed him away.

The swordsman was not happy with the red-haired girl ordering him around, but did as he was told for once and went to see if he could find some sake in the kitchen.

"You better sleep with one eye open," you growled as he passed you by. He just rolled his eyes and murmured a 'whatever' before disappearing.

"(Y/N), what was all that about?" Nami asked angrily, hands in hips and a frown decorating her face.

"Leave me alone." You managed to get rid of Franky's hold and left the deck in search of a place to cool down.

You would normally have gone to the kitchen to spend the rest of the day with a more than pleased Sanji, but the swordsman had ruined your plan by going there, so you decided to go to the training room instead. And you were planning on locking all locks.

"Sorry, Marimo, but today this place is mine," you said out loud even though nobody was there to listen, especially not him.

Looking around the room, you located the biggest punching bag while bandaging your hands to avoid getting your knuckles completely destroyed.

Hours must had gone by by the time you decided to stop. Your hands, even though you had protected them, were bleeding and slightly swollen. You took off the bandages and moved each finger. It was painful, but nothing was broken, which was certainly a relief.

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