Prison Break [Doflamingo x Reader]

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Quiet whispers among the guards caught Doflamingo's hazy attention.

The rattling of the chains gluing him to the floor had woken him up when he had tried to move in his sleep, robbing him of that blissful moment of unconsciousness and of the few seconds of rest he would have been able to scratch from it. He had, since then, been focusing on the pain flooding his entire body. The daily beatings from the damned jailer beasts had been increasing in intensity as of lately. He was certain he had at least two broken ribs by then, and he wasn't comfortable with the stabbing sensation in his right leg whenever he moved.

There wasn't much else to focus on anyway. He had memorized the number of stones on the ceiling, and of guards patrolling the area. He had lost count of the time. So the minute your name abandoned the lips of one of those idiots on duty, he struggled against the chains gluing him to the floor to raise his torso all that they allowed him to.

If he could have those seconds of hope, even if they were fake, he would take them.

"From what I've heard, she surrendered without opposing any resistance," one of the men commented as he examined the interior of a cell from the outside.

"She surrendered?" the other questioned, stopping in his tracks to look back at him.

The first man hummed an affirmative. "Hannyabal is giving her the speech right now..."

The conversation died as the two guards reached the stairs and disappeared in the distance, and Doflamingo found himself unable to keep the frown decorating his features. He was exhausted —⁠out of pure physical pain and starvation. He didn't even have the strength to fight his heavy eyelids when they closed, nor was he sure he wanted to.

He had wasted his time listening to those two nitwits. Who could believe what they were saying?

You? Surrendering? He would have to see it to believe it.

No. He would rather let the waves of unconsciousness sweep him away to a land where he didn't have to deal with jailer monsters and grey walls, where he didn't have to accept the fact that he had lost and had had everything taken away from him... where he could be with you.

You. His mind always came back to you somehow. During those long dark nights, he took comfort in the memories, in the thoughts no one would ever steal from him. They had become a mantra, a comforting murmur in the back of his brain.

With you, he was free again, so he always welcomed the darkness that brought you closer... like the warm hands he used to lace his fingers with long ago.


An explosion in the not-so-far distance brought him back to life.

The stone walls and ceiling shook menacingly around him, and the heavy vibrations travelled through the cold floor and up his spine like needles. He pulled harshly at his shackles, wanting to get away from the painful sensation running through his body.

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