Count 90: Began To Fade

Start from the beginning

Leon hanya mendiamkan diri sambil melihat ke arah Syceil. Wanita naga itu seakan tahu maksud pandangan daripada Leon itu segera keluar bersama Shion.

Sarah segera naik ke atas badan Leon lalu menampar pipi kiri remaja lelaki itu.

"Did you not love your life, hah!? I don't know that my Partner so stupid!!" Jerkah Sarah.


"I'm sorry, okay?"


"Still, I'm sorry."

Sarah tidak membalas namun terus memeluk badan Leon. Remaja lelaki itu hanya mampu mengusap lembut belakang Sarah.

"How I can survive if half of my soul is gone?" Soal Sarah perlahan.

"You promise to marry me. You promise me that we will become the strongest in the world. Are you saying that you actually forgot about that?" Sambung remaja perempuan itu.

"I admit that it was my fault. But the promise I made? How can I forget about that?" Soal Leon.

"Then, you better made that promise become reality."

"Of course, dear. Of course." Balas Leon lalu sambung mengusap lembut belakang Sarah.

"Korang berdua boleh masuk." Arah Leon.

"Kami tak ganggu? Mana tahu korang nak bersendirian lebih lama?" Soal Syceil seraya masuk ke dalam bilik bersama Shion.

Namun, dia perasan ada sesuatu yang tidak kena dalam badan Leon. Remaja lelaki itu memberi isyarat supaya diamkan perkara ini.

"Dah. Pergi cuci muka tu. Nanti buruk. Tak cantik sudah." Arah Leon sambil menepuk bahu Sarah.

"Diamlah!" Balas Sarah lalu dia melepaskan pelukan itudan keluar dari bilik.

"Ah, ikut ibu dan cari Angeline dan cakap dengan dia yang ayah akan discharge esok." Arah Leon kepada Shion.

"Baiklah!" Balas Shion lalu keluar mengikuti Sarah.

Kini tinggal Leon dan Syceil berdua di dalam bilik. Suasana terus menjadi sunyi.

"Son, tell me that you're joking.."

"What joking, Syceil?"

"Why I feel that your life force is fading!? Tell me, Leon that this is just some joke you pull!!!" Balas Syceil membesarkan suaranya.

Leon pada mulanya terkejut, hanya mampu menghela nafas lalu tersenyum. Dia segera memegang tangan Syceil.

Wanita naga itu terkejut apabila merasa suhu badan Leon tidak seperti dahulu.

"As you can see, I don't have much time, Syceil. The effect after breaking that seal is too much for my body to handle. This is the punishment for me."

"No! This is can't be real!"

"Please don't tell Sarah about this, mom." Satu permintaan daripada Leon membuat Syceil terkedu.

Dia memandang wajah Leon. Remaja lelaki itu kelihatan tenang memandang ke arahnya berserta satu senyuman lembut.

Dia mengetap gigi lalu menunduk. Air mata mula gugur ke tilam milik Leon. Leon hanya mampu tersenyum melihat reaksi Syceil.

"Take care Sarah and Shion, Syceil. Train her until she become the strongest person in Realm of Life. Bring Tiamat too. If you two train her, there are no doubt that she will surpass me and the other strongest person out there. This is my last request." Pinta Leon.

"So, you right now is dying?" Soal Syceil perlahan.

"Hmm. You can say that. I'm not the person I used to be. My strength is gone now. Slowly I will become weak and then leave this world." Balas Leon dengan tenang.

"Fine. If it is your last request. I will take care or her and train her to become strong." Balas Syceil lalu mengesat air matanya.

"Thank you, mom. Thank you..."


Yo! Finally aku dapat update juga eh?


So, chapter kali ni memaparkan bahawa life force milik Leon semakin menghilang.

Sebelum kecam aku supaya jangan matikan Leon, baik tunggu macam mana storyline novel ni berjalan eh.


Korang bolehlah komen di ruangan tersedia.

Jangan ada yang minta update cepat eh.



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