17. as it was

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════ ♪ ✧⁎ readers pov ⁎✧ ♪ ═════

"Spencer hurry up, I'm driving and don't think I won't leave without you." You joke, he said he would be right back as he scurries off toward a car in the back.

You start the SUV, Luke and JJ riding along with you in the back, the seat in front was reserved for Spencer.

A few minutes later he comes jogging back, climbing in the car with a blush on his cheeks and slightly winded. "What's got you all chipper?" You tease as you begin the trip back to the jet.

"Don't worry about it," He catches his breath, sitting back in his seat and gazing out the window. You're surprised at his response, looking to JJ and Luke to see if they caught that too, JJ offering you a shrug. Returning your focus to the road, you reach the jet in just under ten minutes, your teammates filing out of their vehicles.

The seats inside quickly fill, Emily, Matt and Rossi at a table, Luke and Tara at another with JJ and Spencer across the aisle. you take a seat next to Luke, facing Tara and adjacent to Spencer on the other side.

You pop your earbuds in, shuffling the playlist Tara made you last weekend that you hadn't had time to listen to, and pulling out an old notebook to doodle on to pass the time.
════ ♪ ✧⁎ Spencer's pov ⁎✧ ♪ ═════

My face is buried in a book though I've barely read it. It may seem cliche, but she really is all I can think about for some reason. It normally doesn't take much for me to be engrossed into a book, and JJ must have noticed.

"Okay spill, you've been on the same page for like, five minutes, what's going on in that big ol brain of yours?" She crosses her legs, flipping her phone over onto her lap facing down, all attention on me.

I don't answer, just thinking about how I'm going to respond has me blushing like a fool, I feel guilty. "Ohh I see, pretty boy's got a girlfriend." At that, I notice Y/n's head perking up slightly

from her notebook, though she returns like nothing has changed, I know she's still listening, which gives me the perfect opportunity.

"Please, you sound just like Morgan. But you're right." I drop the last sentence very casually, going right back to my book only to push further. "Oh that was a joke, but if that actually is the case, tell me about her. Wait, don't tell me it's that Lila chick is it? -Oh I probably shouldn't say that, she was a victim."

I nod, JJ's eyes widening as I catch a very subtly eyeroll from Y/l/n. "Well not officially, after the case we went out for drinks and it went really well, I'm hoping to get to know her further though."

It's not a total lie, we did go out for drinks because she asked me to. About a half an hour in, I came up with a fake excuse that Emily needed us back for paperwork. I could barely stand being around her, she's touchy, always touching my hand when she speaks and trying to hold it. Snd it would be expected, she's very-

What's the word?

Bitchy. Being a high ranking actress I couldn't have expected any less. The list could perpetually continue, but the last thing, she never let me speak. I've gotten used to it from my teammates over the years, but from her I thought it would be different. At least Y/n lets me prate, she never complains, cuts me off, or makes jokes about me, she's one of the only people to ever do that.

The plane landed after a bit, I managed to get through two of the three books I brought for the flight home. It's only 1pm, so we still have quite a bit of time to work on paperwork from this past week.

We all get back to the BAU, and I stop by my desk to unpack, before going to visit Penelope. Whenever we get back from cases, I always sit with her and explain the fun details that we didn't share over the phone.

I used my ID to open her door, stopping in my tracks when I heard whisper-shouting from inside.
The door's already ajar, so now I'm standing there like a fool, pretending I didn't hear Y/n say: "I just don't get how even after everything, he keeps playing this stupid game of 'who can piss off who more'. I thought by now we'd be able to go on as it was when we came back from the mission."

She kept talking even as Garcia was signaling my entrance, only realizing her fault when she turned around to see me, with two coffee cups, one cardboard and one an octopus, a dumb grin on my face.

"S-sorry I didn't mean to interrupt." I walk right by Y/n, over to Penny, "I didn't realize you had work to do, I was hoping to catch you up." Throwing Y/n a glance, she tries her best to intimidate me before retreating to the bullpen.

"Okay Mr Reid, I don't know what's going on there," She motions out the door, presumably to Y/n, "But you have more explaining to do than just the case."

"It's Doctor Reid, and I know."


"Wait wait wait, so you do like her? At least a little bit? Then why are you with Lila?" Penelope is on her second mug of coffee, probably the twelfth of today.

"I don't know why, I like making her jealous. Give her a little taste of how I felt for ten years, and i'm not with Lila-"

"-But JJ said-" She interrupts.

"-I know what JJ said, I was lying. I knew y/n was eavesdropping and I wanted to mess with her. I didn't know how to say no when she asked me out. i-it's not like i'm attracted to Lile, i'm not, I just feel bad saying no after all she's been through."

"You make zero sense, genius man. Just tell her you like her, she obviously feels the same way and I cannot stand this tension you guys have. It's suffocating to be around the ups and downs of you guys, plus I love happy endings, and I feel like you deserve one." She nudges my shoulder, giving the signature Penelope sincerity look.

"I will, Pen."

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(AN i hate this chapter but its just a filler- i finished planning i think we're gonna have 25 chapters but i am on a ROLL lately woohoo go me)


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