5. sunlight

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Waking up to the sunlight streaming through my curtains is my favorite way to wake up. The initial shock of the light in comparison to my dreams fades quickly, and is replaced with pure comfort.
Fully rested (which in my case, doesn't happen very often), and undisturbed. It's 10:01am, which gives me the perfect amount of time to keep all my plans in order.

First, I'll take the metro to downtown DC, walking to Peregrine Espresso. It's been my go-to spot for coffee and such since I started work at the BAU. Today will be full of walking, so it's good to have long, lanky legs such as myself. It's one of the only good uses I've found for them.

After my first cup, and maybe a donut, I'll walk to a used bookstore about a block from Peregrine. Right across the street is East City Bookshop, another favorite of mine for more modern literature. I'm hoping to pick up a small gift for Penelope. I worry sometimes that she feels as if she's taken for granted, and I wanted to assure her that is not the case.

Assuming I'll be purchasing more books, I'll graze over them on the way to another coffee house. I don't frequent this shop, which makes visiting here in the neighbourhoods somewhat concerning; and it's quite a walk from where I would be, but I think I need the exercise.

After my second cup of coffee, or third, depending on if I decide to drink one from my own home; I'll walk from there to solid state books. It's considerably larger than the other bookstores, but it has more variety.

Taking into consideration the time I would like to spend fully absorbing the books I've bought, preferably on my couch at home, or possibly my bed, I'll take the metro back to my own neighbourhood.

Throughout my day, I ran into Derek Morgan. He was with his family, his wife Savannah, and son, Hank. One of the most memorable moments in my life had to have been when Derek was retiring, and Hank had just been born. He was saying his farewells, and he gave me a birth announcement (I was the first to receive one).

He named his son Hank Spencer Morgan, and I quote, "Hank is for my pops, but Spencer is for the best little brother anybody could ever ask for." He's doing well, they all are. I haven't seen him in about a year, but it was nice to see them after so long.

I made it to the station at around 4pm, but I didn't quite feel ready to head back. I bought sixteen books in total, and a sparkly mug for Penny. Her red octopus mug named Mildred is a bit worn down . I found a small bench by the metro station, and attempting to stall my return home, sat down. About fifteen minutes later, give or take, I had read about eight before my cell started to ring.

It's Prentiss.

s.r: "Spencer Reid, hey Emily, do we have a case?"

e.p: "No, not yet at least. I was just calling to see if you were in the DC area by any chance." s.r: "Yes, actually I am, why do you ask?"

e.p. "Barnes wanted to meet with us. Us being me, Penelope, Y/n, and yourself. As soon as possible, she said."

s.r: "Okay, I'm at Washington Union, but I can be at Hoover in, maybe twenty minutes, does that work?"

e.p: "Yeah. Penny, Y/n and I left Quantico a few minutes ago, we had a girls day. We had to drop JJ off though, but we'll meet you there."

Our brief conversation ended, and I packed up my books, heading down the tunnel.

The train was more packed than usual. I suppose work gets out around this time, but it's still a bit early. I opted for sitting, instead of taking my usual place, standing off to the side closest to the doors. This time, I have three bags of books, and my legs are tired from walking all day.

When the train stopped, I was still first to exit. Retrieving my small bottle of hand sanitizer from my pocket, juggling the bags in my hand. I walked the short distance to the J. Edgar Hoover FBI building, where Barnes wanted us to meet.

On the way in, I checked my coat along with my bags, and reapplied some hand sanitizer. I was going to wash my hands in the bathroom, but I was afraid I wouldn't have enough time.

I spotted Penelope among the rest, standing out with her bright colors in contrast to all the muted ones in the office. I took a seat with the ladies, bouncing my knee, unknowingly matching with Y/n.  After about ten minutes, the door to Linda's office opened, and she stepped out, inviting us in.



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short lil filler

dinner and diatribes (s.r.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن