15. movement

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"Oh my gosh he's awake! Jayge! Where's JJ?"
Heels clack against the tile floor and out into the hallway, faltering, must have been Penelope, I wish I saw her. The bustling sound of a workplace floods my brain, but it's not quite the one I've grown accustomed to.

A hospital, I can tell by the smell, I should've known. I despise hospitals. Though you wouldn't think it, it is one of the most unsanitary places in society. A breathing tube resides under my nose, an IV in my arm and bandages all over. On my head, wrists and throughout my arms and legs. God, I just want to go back to sleep.

"Hey, spence?" I open my eyes, fighting against the bright lights and see JJ standing beside my bed. She looks different, as much as you'd expect after being away for months. She looks paler, thinner, tired.

"H-hey JJ." A smile on both our faces, glad to be reunited with my best friend, as Penelope rushes through the door. "Oh my goodness! Oh my gosh! It's so good to see you boy genius, we all missed you so much! Of course I, more than others but that's beside the point!" She leans down kissing my forehead and holding my right hand in hers.

"Y/n has been asking about you, I take it things went well? Besides, ya know," She gestures to the room, "All this."

"Jeez penny, the man just woke up," JJ teases and Penelope brushes her off, sitting down on my bed, careful not to sit on my legs, as Matt and Rossi peek through the door.

My mind wanders again, trying to recall what happened these past hours. The sky outside is darkening, so it must have been a while. The words of Penny and JJ fade as my thoughts flood in, one after the other overlapping, not a single one of good use.

══ readers pov ══

"Ow." Your eyes stay closed, but consciousness is achieved, so that's a good sign. You can feel the presence of two people hovering beside you, the clashing smells of cologne, hospital, and hair gel swarm around the room.

Footsteps, followed by a grunt from a man, "Hey what gives?" Luke. "Movement! Not as much as me and yo mama last night tho-," Tara. She laughs at her own joke, Luke gives a sarcastic 'ha ha', and you suddenly become hyper aware of how gross you probably look.

"Can you guys turn the lights off? Hurts my eyes." The dull orange behind your eyelids disappears, replaced by a cool grey as you slowly blink, adjusting to your surroundings. Luke and Tara are seated beside you in two chairs, your two best friends. Emily stands in the doorway too.

"Did we get him?"

"Oh come on Y/n, you and spencer literally died like, this morning. Are you feeling okay?" Emily comes and stands, arms crossed on your other side. "Wait, we died? Is Spencer okay?!" An awkward tension immediately fills the room as you search their faces for an answer.

"Well, yeah, and no. You were both unresponsive when we found you, you weren't breathing and didn't have a heartbeat, and Reid lost both again in the ambulance. But you're both alive and well now, bound to make a full recovery."

"What was in that stuff in the needle?" Luke pats Tara on the shoulder, excusing himself from the room to go check on Spencer. "There were traces of ketamine-hydrochloride and hydromorphone in both of your systems." Emily answers.

"Hydromorphone- Dilaudid. Is Reid okay?" Tara and her make eye contact, warily. "He is, but he'll be under close supervision, Luke and Matt will make sure he stays safe." You sigh in relief. "Okay, when can I leave? I hate hospitals."


"Penny, I told you, I'm fine. You don't have to stay here. We had three days at the hospital together, and I'm clearly in tip top shape, go home, watch a movie, go hang out with Sergio and his brother!"

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