1. dinner and diatribes

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Apparently I fell asleep on the floor again.

My worn copy of 'The Illustrated Man' by Ray Bradbury sits open, face down on my lap, separated by my thigh. I pick it up, returning the twig from the park I use as a bookmark to its rightful place, and stuff it back on the shelf I'm seated next to.

I didn't even notice the erratic knocking at my front door. I try to stand but stumble at first, the remnants of sleep still inflicting my coordination. Taking the time to steady myself, I wipe some dried saliva off of my cheek, and peek through the glass peep-hole, ducking a little so I can reach and see properly. It's JJ.

Jennifer Jareau, my best friend. We've known each other for a few over twelve years, she started off as the Communications Liaison for the Behavioral Analysis unit, but quickly was promoted to being a profiler. She's considerably dressed up, but she looks worried, tapping her foot on the floor, and crossing her arms. Her concern quickly turns to anger when I open the door.

I'm not great at social cues, especially so when I've just woken up, so when I see her here, and she's standing with her arms crossed, looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to say something, I'm clueless, trying to remember what I might have done, or lack thereof.

"You're late. It's almost 9, you were supposed to be at Rossi's at 7:30, what the hell happened?".

"Shit, JJ, I'm sorry I fell asleep reading. C-come in, I'll get dressed and then we can go, I'll only be a second, promise." I open the door wider so she can meander through, and she goes to sit on the couch while I struggle to find a suitable outfit.

I'm still in my work clothes, though I have the option to wear the same clothes at work, then sleep in them, then proceed to go to a team dinner in them, but I would hate to drag the office and home germs into David's home.

I settled on wearing a basic white collar shirt, paired with black pants, it's much too warm for a jacket. I decided on adding a dark purple tie, to look more put together. I slipped on my black converse, left one over a blue polka dot sock, right one over a plain orange one, a casual contrast to the rest of my outfit. Then I remember a certain key factor in my enjoyment of tonight, "Wait, is Y/n going to be there?"

I look over at JJ and she scoffs, nodding. "Emily made it mandatory for everyone to be in attendance. That's why we were worried when you didn't show up precisely on time." She picks her purse back up and we exit, going back to her car.

I groan unnecessarily loud, to establish the fact that I would rather be kidnapped and tortured again than have to go spend the evening with Y/n, (Metaphorically speaking, of course). "Spence, you're being ridiculous, how long is this going to drag on? I'm sure if you just have a regular conversation without being a dick, you'll realize you have much more in common than you think."

I side eye her. "There's no way JJ, I don't exactly know why I even hate her so much, she just bugs me. She's annoying, she thinks she's better than everyone else, and she's not even that good at her job."

"Give me one example for each of those statements." She glances at me, then back at the road at my silence, "Exactly. You're just being dramatic. Look at me: I manage to be friends with both of you, despite your indifference, and I can tell you, you guys would get along so well if you just gave her a chance. Almost none of the things you just said were true."

"So you agree on some of them?"

"I'm done talking to you. We're here," Just as she says that, the car parks. I didn't even realize how much time had passed, and now we're just yards away from the very woman I despise most. I'm almost certain JJ is right, and I'm just being petty at this point, but I hate being wrong.

JJ takes my hand, and we swing our entangled hands back and forth on the walk to the door. "So where's Will tonight?" I ask as she knocks.

"He's here, actually. His brother and his wife are in town, and they offered to watch Henry and Michael while we're here."

"Speak of the devil." I drop JJ's hand as Will opens the door, Y/n standing next to him. "Hi Will, nice to see you again," I ignore Y/n and push past her to get inside. She exhales harshly out of her nose, "Spencer. Charming as always."

I can't believe this. Before JJ showed up, I was at home. My Home, my space of comfort, reading. Sleeping. At peace. Now I'm here. Irritated, tired, and sober.

I'm always wary of alcohol, even almost a decade after Tobias Hankel, I'm wary of all substances. It seems different tonight though, everyone in this house, I trust, so I figure a few drinks can't hurt, just until I can push aside my differences with Y/n, for JJ.

I make my way to the kitchen, where Rossi, Matt, Luke, Penelope, and Emily are standing around the island, drinking and making conversation. Luke picks up a bottle, motioning it to me. I reluctantly nod, and he pours me a glass. Taking a sip, I join in on the conversation.

Dinner goes as you would imagine. David made pasta, of course. Y/n and I got into a very heated argument over Star Trek. She's convinced it has more scientific errors and inconsistencies than Star Wars. I know I'm right, and though I feel no need to prove that to her, what's a friendly dinner without a diatribe?

A few bottles divided by the 9 of us, we're all considerably intoxicated well into the night. My sour mood from earlier has subsided, while every group of a few break off into separate conversations. There's quiet music in the background, just hanging out like normal friends do, pushing aside the negativity of our job for just one night.

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I feel  like the chapter of this are just getting shorter but fuck it we ball


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