Little Comic - @HatsumeHandaHere (19)

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Dark Shadow is so adorable and you can't tell me otherwise. Well , when he's calm of course-


Comments :

@HumanBeing : Hero Deku seems to be enjoying dark shadow's company. I wonder if this is true or not.

@DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku ✓ : The art is drawn very good and dark shadow truly is a nice companion , I'm a bit jealous of Tokoyami to have such a good quirk and can talk to it as well-

@IceAndFire_Shoto ✓ : Do you like my quirk , Midoriya?

@CellophaneMAN_Hanta ✓ : Welcome back , normal Todoroki. Finally not sulking anymore after that comment Midoriya posted eh? But now your a Midoriya attention seeker like most people so can't really say your normal.

@DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku ✓ : Of course Todoroki! You have two Quirks combined into an amazing quirk , why wouldn't I like it?

@Tsukuyomi_Fumikage ✓ : I really don't see why your jealous of me , Midoriya. Dark Shadow just always annoy me most of the time when we're not in combat.

@PinkyDanceMachine_Ashido ✓ : Imagine our quirks can talk to us!? That would be so cool! My quirk is cool too right , Midoriya ?

@GEMGD_Katsuki ✓ : Well of course my quirk is the best. Y'all shitty quirks get weaker the longer you use them while my quirk gets stronger the more I use it.

@DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku ✓ : Your right Kacchan but your quirk has it's own disadvantages too like if you fight against someone with a very strong ice quirk or a wind quirk then you won't be able to produce much sweat.

@Chargebolt_Kaminari ✓ : Woah , you know his weaknesses, Midoriya? I guess I shouldn't be surprised since you like analysing quirks but can you pm me what you know about my quirk?

@Uravity_Ochaco ✓ : Who do you actually have the most information on , Deku-kun?

@GEMGD_Katsuki ✓ : Of course me! The shitty need and I knew each other since we were kids and he started writing notes since he was in elementary school.

@DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku ✓ : Actually that's false Kacchan. Although I met you since we were kids , I actually have the most information on Shinso. And also sure , Kaminari.

@CellophaneMAN_Hanta ✓ : I'm not sure how far Bakugo is to completely break but I think that comment made a huge impact.

@Froppy_Tsuyu ✓ : Now that I think about it , I remember Midoriya exchanging something for some of Shinso's quirk information. I can see why you have the most information on him now.

@InsomniaHere_Hitoshi ✓ : Heh , I definitely had the high ground in the deal. Though guess I have to work on my quirk more for next year since Midoriya almost knows everything about me now. Keyword , Almost.

@PinkyDanceMachine_Ashido ✓ : What did Midoriya give you in the deal , Shinso?

@InsomniaHere_Hitoshi ✓ : Something that I can't say or Eraserhead might just come and kill me.


@InsomniaHere_Hitoshi ✓ : What the actual God's name is wrong with you!? One of the main reasons why Midoriya ISN'T SAFE in class 1-A

@Chargebolt_Kaminari ✓ : Look Mineta , we used to be friends and all but then things changed and I think you should go.

@SilverShades : Hero Chargebolt can just literally throw anyone off the bus , even if they are best friends. Apart from Hero Deku , I hope.

@Uravity_Ochaco ✓ : Deku protection squad! Protect the bean of the Deku Squad from Mineta is a go!

@HatsumeHandaHere : Wait , you guys actually have a thing like that? Hero Deku is either glad or scared.

@CellophaneMAN_Hanta ✓ : Tokoyami looks terrified when he saw Dark Shadow head bumped Midoriya. Would it hurt? I would think so.

@InvisibleGirl_Toru ✓ : Midoriya seems to be taking notes on Tokoyami too! Midoriya really likes taking notes huh?

@Creati_Momo ✓ : It's a very good habit of his. His notebooks can easily become a disadvantage for villains and can be an advantage when teaming up with other heroes.

@LeagueLeader : Which is exactly why the Midoriya kid should join us. We can give you anything you want that we can get while in exchange you lend us your years worth of notes. Doesn't that sound fair?

@Overhaul : I have more experience is anything you know so going to me would be the obviously better choice.

@Cremation : Unlike you , we haven't been captured to Tartarus so you can't say anything. Plus , I have more connection with the little hero so he would go to us since I'm there obviously.

@Chronostasis : You League Of Villains haven't gone there YET. The mastermind of most of your plans have been captured and their the most powerful villain of all so what makes you think you won't be captured as well?

@Eraserhead_Shota ☕︎ : What makes any of you villains think I would just let problem child leave UA if he wanted to?

@DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku ✓ : Uhm... That a bit scary there Mr Aizawa. You wouldn't let me leave if I wanted to. Uh...

@HatsumeHandaHere : If you think about it this way , if you join the villain side and you said you wanted to leave , they will either not make it easy or just kill you.

@DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku ✓ : I might as well have been a citizen... I came so far already , can't stop now I guess.

@CellophaneMAN_Hanta ✓ : You can see clearly that Midoriya is reconsidering his decision of becoming a hero and hopefully a pro hero.

@CellophaneMAN_Hanta ✓ : Before the villains get excited , @HatsumiHandaHere does have a point too so I don't think he would be going to the villains side if he leaves UA.

@DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku ✓ : Anyways , I would love to hang out with you Tokoyami to know more about your quirk and go to a cafe if you don't mind.


@CellophaneMAN_Hanta ✓ : I don't see any reason to ask out an emo bird instead of me. Apart from my attitude I guess.

@Tsukuyomi_Fumikage ✓ : Of course , Midoriya. I would like it to turn into a usual thing so we can chat together.

@DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku ✓ : That's an amazing idea , Tokoyami! I would love to hang out with you often. We can set up a time and on what days!

@Tentacole_Mezo ✓ : Everyone in the harem just got beaten by someone who rarely shows up in the comments.

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This came out late , why?
I have no reason again to back me up for my constant overthinking of school and tuition.

How are you today?
I'm doing fine , I guess-


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