𝙄𝙘𝙚-𝘾𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢 - @𝘿𝙚𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙞𝙩𝙎𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙝𝘿𝙚𝙠𝙪_𝙄𝙯𝙪𝙠𝙪 (3)

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Image below does not belong to me and it instead belongs to its rightful owner that I didn't bother to check who it was

@DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku just posted an image

Gotta admit, Ice-Cream is one of my favourite desserts!! Thank you, LetMeJustDraw_Kevin on Twitter fro drawing and allowing me to post it!! YOUR DRAWINGS ARE SO AMAZING!!

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Gotta admit, Ice-Cream is one of my favourite desserts!! Thank you, LetMeJustDraw_Kevin on Twitter fro drawing and allowing me to post it!! YOUR DRAWINGS ARE SO AMAZING!!

7.6k likes ❤️ 132 comments💬 54 shares 📨

Comments :

@Chargebolt_Kaminari : Woah!! That is so cool! Did they draw you guys with that pose or he just made the ice cream and pose part up?

@Tsukuyomi_Tokoyami : @Chargebolt_Kaminari, your very early presence on Midoriya's post is quite unsettling....

@Tentacole_Mezo : @Tsukuyomi_Tokoyami, don't you think it's sus for you to be this early to this post as well?

@Tsukuyomi_Tokoyami : I did not say anything.

@DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku : @Chargebolt_Kaminari , my friend, Kevin said he was bored and asked for a picture of me and my friend so I gave him this and he made this up!

@ManlyRedRiot_Ejiro : Speaking of Todobro, where is he in the chat? He would usually be the first to be here.

@PinkyDanceMachine_Ashido : Don't pay attention to that and pay attention to how cute Midoriya looks!! @ManlyRedRiot_Ejiro

@ManlyRedRiot_Ejiro : Have to agree, Midobro looks as cute as ever but isn't it concerning that none of the usual three has commented? Like Bakubro, Todobro and Ochako?

@Creati_Momo : @ManlyRedRiot_Ejiro , You don't have to worry about Bakugo and Todoroki. Their phones got take away and will be given back after their house arrest.

@Tentacole_Mezo : Good to hear those two are good but what about Iida? He was in the fight as well.

@Creati_Momo : Since his position in the fight wasn't clear and he had way more bruises and was hurt way badly than the other two, he was excused for two days to rests.

@Uravity_Ochako : And I'm doing fine if anyone was wondering! Also @DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku, we should get Ice cream sometime is you really like it since I like it too!

@DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku : @Uravity_Ochako, Though didn't you say you were going to visit your parents this weekend? I wouldn't want you to cancel plans for your parents because of me!

@Uravity_Ochako : Ah, you don't have to worry Deku-kun! We can both go for ice cream while heading to my house!

@Cellophane_Hanta : That was sly @Uravity_Ochako

@Tentacole_Mezo : Gotta be honest, I'm glad Todoroki and Bakugo aren't here.

@Invisible_Toru : I agree @Tentacole_Mezo , I think it would turn into a war in the chat if they were here.

@EarphoneJack_Kyouka : Cool! Can this Kevin friend of yours draw stuff for me?

@Chargebolt_Kaminari : We should totally hang out together , Midoiriya! Y'know , like me, Kiribro and you!

@DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku : @Chargebolt_Kaminari , would love to!

@DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku :
@EarphoneJack_Kyouka , I can ask him if he is free to do that. Just send me a picture of what you want him to draw and he'll draw it if he is free.

@ManlyRedRoit_Ejirou : @Chargebolt_Kaminari , That is such a good idea!!

@Cellophane_Hanta : @ManlyRedRoit_Ejirou ,
@Chargebolt_Kaminari , I THOUGHT WE WERE BROS YOU TRAITORS!! YOU GUYS BE FORGETTING ABOUT ME- Also those ice-creams look amazingly delicious.

@PinkyDanceMachine_Ashido : There's not much to see since the duo are not here which is kinda boring-

@--- : @PinkyDanceMachine_Ashido , :)

@Chargebolt_Kaminari : What the fu-

@PinkyDanceMachine_Ashido : Uh... Hi..? -Unavailble to tag-

Unavailable comment

-@Creati_Momo is blocked from this post

@EarphoneJack_Kyouka : Okay.. This is getting scary... @DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku , You there? I'm pretty sure your the only person who can block people from your posts...

@DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku : I'm pretty sure of that too but I wasn't in the app till you tagged me...

@Cellophane_Hanta : We should go and tell Mr Aizawa , right?

@--- : I wouldn't do so if I were you...

@Chargebolt_Kaminari : This person is giving me chills-

@Tentacole_Mezo : This person literally just came out of nowhere. We were just talking about ice cream a second ago.

@ManlyRedRoit_Ejirou : I'd like for it to stay that way tbh , @Tentacole_Mezo

@Cellophane_Hanta : Same... Maybe even stay with the topic of someone possible being able to draw us? That'd be nice.

@--- was temporarily blocked from the user , @DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku

@Creati_Momo was unblocked from this post

@Chargebolt_Kaminari : What happened?

@EarphoneJack_Kyouka : Most importantly, why does it only say the person is temporarily blocked? For how long to be exact and why not just block them forever?

@Creati_Momo : To explain to you all , I told Mr Aizawa about the situation and after a while he told me they found a solution to only temporarily block them for now.

@Tentacole_Mezo : Which is for...?

@Creati_Momo : That's the thing , we don't know for how long but we're hoping the time will be enough for sensei to figure out who the person is.

@Invisible_Toru : And we're switching the topic back to on how Todoroki and Midoriya look like a couple!

@Tsukuyomi_Tokoyami : That was quite quick of a topic change... That I shall not complain about as I would very much like to continue to stay with this topic though I do not agree on Todoroki and Midoriya looking like a couple...

@Invisible_Toru : Dang... Just say you don't like the person that appeared and your jealous , you didn't have to write a whole paragraph-

@Chargebolt_Kaminari : Now O wonder what this post would be like if they were here... Shame their not.

@Uravity_Ochako : Are you okay Deku-kun?!? I was done taking a quick shower and just finished rereading the comments!

@Cellophane_Hanta : Thanks for asking ALL of US if we're alright , @Uravity_Ochako

@Chargebolt_Kaminari : Dang.. You mad today , aren't ya? @Cellophane_Hanta

@ManlyRedRoit_Ejirou : @Chargebolt_Kaminari , Did you also noticed that we are living on earth and we are chatting with each other through our devices?

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This came out so much later than expected.
Sorry for the late update , I've just been lazy for the past few weeks but forced myself to do this-
Also you all like this book more than I don't this point-
I swear I'm not losing interest on writing this book , I'm just lazy-
Also sorry for the change of topic so suddenly-
I'm gonna sign off and get my lazy butt to sleep.

Hope you having a good day so far and I'm off

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