Chapter 14: Shocking Revelation

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Copyright 2015 © Rosesareforever

Cruel Fate

Chapter 14

'Shocking Revelation'

His palms were moist with sweat as Ben rubbed them together in order to shake off the nerves wreaking havoc on his body. He had never felt more anxious, not even on his graduation day when he was called forward to speak in front of hundreds of people or when he went on his first interview with a potential employer. This must be what it felt like to be out of his element. It was a wry feeling. He pitied the people where this was their everyday norm.

“Ben, honey,” his mother smiled as she pulled him into her arms for a quick hug when he walked into the living room of his parents’ home. After arranging visitation with Amelia, Ben had called his mother and asked her to organize a family dinner on Thursday night so he could announce the big news to everyone at once. He could’ve waited until Sunday’s lunch, but keeping a secret like that from his family didn’t sit well with him. Ben would much rather tell them as soon as possible and get it over with. 

Placing a soft peck against her temple, Ben smiled warmly at his mother and squeezed her shoulder affectionately when he pulled back from her embrace. She was the one person who’s reaction he feared most. He didn’t doubt that she would be elated to know she had another grandson, but he knew for a fact that she would feel sad about the time she’d missed. Seven years was a long time to make up for.

“It’s good to see you, son. I have been anxiously waiting for today. Whatever you have to tell us better be good news. I thought I’d have a heart attack when you called and asked me to arrange a family dinner. Did you finally get yourself a girlfriend?” Never one to keep her thoughts to herself, his mother rambled on, her eyes wide with excitement by the end of her speech. Ben hated to disappoint her. When he shook his head, her bright smile faltered a little, but it didn’t completely disappear.

“She probably would’ve showed up on his arm if he’d finally landed himself a decent woman, mom,” Abby pointed out, winking at Ben. “Lovely to see you, brother, and not on a Sunday this time. It must be my lucky day.” Ben ignored his sister’s sarcasm. She enjoyed taunting him a little too much for his taste and he’d be damned if he gave her the reaction she was hoping for.

“Believe me, you will never guess why he arranged for us to meet,” Ethan butted in, always the troublemaker. Sending him a glare, Ben shook his head. Why did everyone in this family have an unhealthy appetite for drama? If it wasn’t his sister who was trying to spice up the conversation, his brother found a way to get a rise out of someone.

“He already knows?” Abby accused, her tone anything but happy. “Are you serious, Ben? You choose that little dipshit over me?”

“Children,” Harold chided, “Please, for once, act civilly towards each other. You’re worse than a bunch of toddlers.” Always the mediator, his stepfather had a well-established role in a family filled with buttheads. It was a true wonder the man had never lost his patience. Harold radiated calmness and composure. Ben couldn’t remember a time when someone had been able to rile the man up.

“I already regret not waiting until Sunday,” Ben muttered to himself. His family was just too much. Couldn’t they for once make something easier on him? Complicated was too mild a word to describe the situation he was in.

“Let’s all sit down and drink a cup of coffee,” his mother wisely interrupted, ushering everyone towards the couch.

“I think Ben could use something stronger,” Harold grinned, noticing his oldest stepson’s sore grimace.

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