-Chapter Two // We Meet Again-

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"(Y/N), dinner is ready!" Toriel called from down the stairs.

"Coming!" You shouted back, not in a rude manner. It's been about a week since you've moved into Tori's house, or, Toriel's house.

You met with the gang frequently, including Gaster. He didn't seem to like you much, since you'd call him out when he said something rude in Wingdings.

But you've learnt that he can also speak English, weirdly enough. His voice was deep and almost always serious.

He doesn't sound like what the fans thought at all!
I'll tell them once I get ba-

but what if i don't get back to my reality.

Tough. They'll have to learn to live without me. You thought in your mind as you walked down the stairs.

In your locket was a picture of your pets now, no longer your family or Aiden's disgusting torso and legs.

The less you were reminded of your old reality, the better..

"Hi Toriel, hi Asgore." You greeted the couple before sitting down at 'your spot' of the table. Your plate had cinnamon pie on it, and your cup was filled with (Favorite/Drink).

"(Y/N), we've wanted to ask you something for a while. Ever since you came here, we've been curious, what does your soul look like?" Toriel questioned.

You nearly choked on (F/D), you never thought about your soul!

"Is there a way to summon it?" You quietly asked. Asgore glanced at Toriel, Toriel glanced at Asgore, both glances were filled with concern.

"After dinner, I will teach you." Toriel declared. You nodded in acknowledgment and everyone ate in almost peace and silence.

Asgore's phone rang in the middle of you guys eating in silence, so he left the room. Then Toriel washed the dishes and refused to let you wash them, so you were alone on the couch.

You were sitting on the couch, your legs close to your chest, when you heard a knock at the door.

You got up and sprinted to the door, not wanting to keep the person waiting, and opened it.

It was Undyne.

"Hey! I'm inviting you to a party we're having with the entire gang, and some more people. You'll make new friends! Where's Tori?" Undyne enthusiastically spoke, nudging you and giving you a card for confirmation.

"She's washing dishes-" "Right here!" Toriel interrupted you, wiping her hands off with a towel.

You invited Undyne in, with Toriel's permission, and the three of you were sitting in the living room chatting.

"Y'know, (Y/N), do you still want to summon your soul?" Toriel inquired, looking your way.

You nodded, and Undyne watched silently as Toriel brought your soul out.

It was pink and sea green, showing passion and creativity. (If your soul is different, pretend it describes your soul)

"How beautiful, yet odd." Toriel remarked, making your soul disappear.

"That was a beautiful soul, (Y/N)! I've never seen anything like it!" Undyne exclaimed, patting your back.

You loved it here, with your new friends, with everyone. This wasn't a dream or some wattpad story.

Love's Flames [Gaster x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now