18- The Grand Rescue

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"Midas, you're the best guy within miles. Musa may be nice and all that, but you're the real guy. You're the loyal, honest, awesome best friend I'd give up everything for. And I'm so glad I've had you for all these years."

"Thanks, Zay. Hey, if I die in there, have a kid with Myeesha and name him after me, okay? But only with Myeesha."

"You're not going to die," Za'yaal said firmly.


"You're not," Za'yaal insisted, indicating the end of the conversation. Midas smiled and nodded.

"Don't let me die then."

"You know I won't."

The rest of the trip to the ship was spent in silence. Tyron's group would be going to the front and they would be taking the back. It would take them hours to search the ship completely seeing as it was so large. Hopefully, the idiotic Gryder wouldn't lay a finger on Myeesha during that time.

It was surprising to see the ship abandoned. There wasn't a single guard outside. Either Gryders were really stupid or too cunning. Whatever it was, Za'yaal didn't like it. He had a bad feeling creeping around his chest but he pushed it away. He needed to stay focused.

Getting into the ship didn't prove a problem at all. Midas, being the expert climber, brought out his grapple hook gun and took a clean shot. Since the hook was padded, it didn't make much of a sound as it attached to the metal railing. He was up in an instant, snaking over the rope. Za'yaal climbed after him, followed by Musa and then Ashton. A moment later, his Bluetooth crackled to life.

"Boss, we're in," Tyron whispered.

"Good. We're in too. Check up again with the backup teams to make sure they're ready. I will not have anything risk this operation."

"Roger that."

And the blue light faded away. Midas went to take a look around and came back to inform them that there were two hallways, all with doors aligning them. Myeesha could be anywhere really.

Za'yaal pulled his gun out. "Is there a bottom floor?"

"No. I know this model, Zay. The bottom consists only of mechanisms to run this beast. If Myeesha is anywhere, it's on top."

"All right, split up then. Musa, Ashton, take the first hallway. Midas and I will take the last. Do not leave a single door untouched and get your damn guns out."

The two hurried to yank out their black tools. Musa had not used one before but he felt safer holding it in his hands now. Za'yaal gave him a satisfied nod and turned to follow Midas into the second hallway.

The hallway wasn't lit. Midas and Za'yaal turned on their flashlights and began rifling through the doors, Midas taking the left side and Za'yaal the right. They didn't find much. Just a bunch of cartons, a lot of empty rooms and a single suite that revealed a couple sleeping on the bed. Midas snickered when he saw the position they were in and quickly closed the door after that.

"Someone was doing the dirty," he whispered to Za'yaal and the Heir smiled lightly. Leave it to Midas to joke in such a tense environment.

A few more rooms and Za'yaal felt hopelessly lost. There wasn't a single sign of Myeesha. This fruitless search was frustrating him.

Something flared in the distance and Za'yaal's eyes narrowed. He walked past Midas and reached for the flag fluttering around a pole. His stomach turned when he saw what it was.

It wasn't a flag.

It was his mother's scarf.

"Oh God," he hissed, horrified at the bloodstains still on the soft fabric.

"What?" Midas came up behind him and took the scarf.

"That's my mother's. That bastard knows we're here."

Midas dropped the scarf. "That does not sit well. We need to hurry."

Za'yaal agreed. He couldn't look at that piece of clothing. He had to move forward. Midas went back to searching behind doors and he looked around for more clues. Maybe the scarf was an indication. The Gryder had been there to tie it, of course, and perhaps it was a sign that Myeesha was near. Za'yaal's pace quickened and a new burst of resolve lit up his blue eyes. Myeesha had to be close. He had to find her. He wouldn't let that asshole hurt her like he had hurt his mother.

His heart fell when he realized they had reached the end of the hallway. Midas bit his bottom lip and turned to the last door, grabbing the doorknob and twisting it. The door opened and both of them had to squeeze their eyes shut at the bright light erupting from the entrance.


That sweet, innocent cry for his name and Za'yaal's heart sang. He ran past Midas, gracefully tumbling over in his hurry, sliding onto his knees and right in front of Myeesha. He wanted to hug her, kiss her, pull her into his arms and scold her to never leave him again.

"Please don't look up."

Za'yaal frowned.

"My veil is down."

That asshole had seen her face. Za'yaal scowled.

"Can you undo my hands?" She asked, relief in both her tone and eyes.

That was precisely what he was about to do. He staggered to his feet, not caring about the rug burns on his knees and walked behind her. He cut open the tape easily and freed her legs as well. The first thing she did was pull up her veil. And then he was allowed to look at her.

He didn't waste another second.

"Marry me."

Her hazel eyes widened and held his blue-eyed gaze.

"Za'yaal, I-"


His voice cracked. How long had it been since he had pleaded for something?

Her eyes welled up with tears and she nodded furiously, her head bobbing up and down rapidly. Za'yaal grinned. She was too adorable.

"But I haven't won the game."

"You don't need to, you silly woman." He reached over and tentatively touched her cheek before dropping his hand, willing her not to cry or he would too.

"I love you."

Her heart skipped a beat. "I told you I wasn't a total nincompoop," she whispered and chuckled. "I love you too."

Midas coughed from behind them. "Sorry to interrupt all this lovely stuff that's going on. I mean, really, save it for later. We kind of have to get out of here right now before Mr. Gryder returns."

Za'yaal glared at him before shrugging. "You're right. Let's go."

Midas took the lead, Za'yaal and Myeesha running after him.

"Did you call for backup and tell the others?"

"Done and done," Midas replied. "Musa didn't sound too happy though."

Myeesha's ears perked up. "Musa?"

"He came. Had to pull the knight in shining armor shit," Midas snapped.

Myeesha was taken aback by his bitter tone. Za'yaal shot her an apologetic look. 'I'll tell you later,' he mouthed. She nodded, concerned for her friend.

Midas and Za'yaal frowned when they saw a gray wall up ahead. They came to a stop in front of it, both thoroughly confused. "What? Wasn't this a straight hallway?" Za'yaal furrowed his eyebrows and looked around. Something wasn't right . . .

A shiver ran up his spine when he heard low creaking and the scrape of cement against metal. Za'yaal whirled on his heel, his face paling when he realized about a few meters away, a metal wall was descending from the ceiling. It was too late. They would've never made it.

"Shit. It was a fucking trap," Midas cursed.

YOU THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO LET THEM GET AWAY?? HAHAHA!! Not about to happen! (My mother is beginning to worry about my sanity . . .)

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