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BACKGROUND:Myra Evadne was born on 4ABY on the planet Alderaan

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Myra Evadne was born on 4ABY on the planet Alderaan. Their birth parents are unknown, but at age four she was adopted by Markus and Baron Evadne. Markus was the advisor to Bail and Breha Organa, and this connection caused Myra and Kai Organa to become close friends and eventually the two dated. This relationship was brief. When Myra was fourteen, their fathers were both killed in a First Order attack, and Myra moved to Taris to join the Jedi temple and train as a Jedi. She became close friends with Jena Skywalker, her cousin Ben Daulton, and their friend Wylan Vizsla. She and Ben had an especially close relationship, one with a lot of unresolved romantic feelings. When he turned to the dark side, he asked them to join him, but she refused, choosing to stay on the light side. This is where we meet them in New Order.

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