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Hey all! I'm not dead lol, but this semester was so busy I didn't have much time to write. But I'm back with a new au! It switches between four points of view (Annabeth, Percy, Reyna, and Hazel) and will have like 30 chapters I think. I'll try to update every couple days, but for now just enjoy!!

Annabeth paced the deck in an attempt to calm her nerves. Jason said they'd be landing soon, but all she saw the interstate and traffic below.

"It'll be fine," Piper said, coming up behind her. "Jason knows what he's doing."

Annabeth set her hands on the railing. "It's not Jason I doubt." That wasn't entirely true, but there was no way Annabeth would tell Piper that. Ever since they'd come back from their quest, Jason had been different. Even now, standing at bow in his purple cloak and gold sword, something was off and it wasn't just his new scar.

Piper had explained what happened. At the wolf house, when Hera revealed her true form, Jason was unable to shield his eyes. The blast of pure godly power caught Jason in the face, opening a cut from his lip to his forehead, rendering him blind in his left eye. Since then, Piper said, Jason was more reclusive and closed off to both her and Leo. She knew he was hurting, but wasn't sure how to help him.
The new scar didn't exactly inspire more trust from Annabeth. It reminded her too much of another blond boy with a scar. It wasn't that she distrusted Jason, but the Greeks and Romans were natural enemies. How could this possibly go well?

Piper shot Annabeth a sad smile. "I'm going to check on Leo."

Leo was back at the controls, hands flying across the dash. She and Leo had worked together to build the Argo II, but there was no denying this was Leo's ship. He was the real mechanical genius, Annabeth just offered military strategy. Which was problem number two, actually. The Argo II was built like a warship, not exactly the message Annabeth wanted to convey to the romans. 

"We're almost there!" Jason called from the bow. Annabeth jogged up to see for herself. Down below, a green meadow was nestled right in the foothills of San Francisco. A place that shouldn't have existed, but it did. A river carved through like a capital G, flanked by red-roofed buildings and cobble stone roads.

"It's beautiful," Annabeth said.

Jason smiled, a fondness touching his gaze. "It sure is."

Annabeth had nearly forgotten this was Jason's home. How many memories did he have here, running the streets with his friend Reyna? Unfortunately, that didn't bode well for their current predicament.

"Where can we land?" she asked.

Jason pointed to a small green circle in the middle of the city. "I'm thinking in that park there. There is... one obstacle though."

As if on cue, a mini explosion rocked the ship. When the smoke cleared, an armless statue stood, glaring at both of them. "Unacceptable!"

Annabeth blinked. "What-"

"Terminus!" Jason interrupted. "Remember me?"

"Yes of course I remember you, Jason Grace," the statue said. "You need a haircut."

Jason's hand strayed to his head. "Umm.."

"But that's beside the point. You can't land!"

Leo, who'd jogged up to them when Terminus arrived, frowned. "Why not?"

"There are no weapons allowed within city limits," Jason explained.

"And this entire ship is a weapon!"

"Well, of course it's a weapon," Leo said. "How else will we make it through the Mediterranean?"

Jason stepped forward and shot them a look like I got this. "Then how about we land in the battle fields? It's nice and open."

The Battle for Olympusजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें