Chapter Twenty Five - The Challenge

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The meal was really good, of course, but I couldn't help remembering Psion's words. 'A simple meal with friends is usually much to be preferred'. I found I had to be much too careful not to use the wrong fork or say the wrong thing. I mean... in a way, the people round me were being friendly but there were far too many cryptic comments and clever smiles.... and I was painfully aware that there were layers of politics in the discussion that I wasn't even close to understanding.

I was relieved when everyone had finished eating and the Amendraig strolled across and struck the gong again. The nonda fell silent and turned towards Zalibar who had an untypical smile on his scarred face. The other tyros had gathered in our alcove and I got a friendly grin from Jenko.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Zalibar began. "I have taken the unusual step of inviting a tyro to join us here tonight. Not only did Rhianadoc save the lives of two nonda this afternoon – one of whom is..." he paused significantly, "...otherwise detained..." That got a bit of a laugh... "and is likely to remain so for a while. But she also managed to save a couple of my nags from damage or escape.

"Now, in the few weeks she's been with us, this young lady has made quite exceptional progress and this morning's performance confirms to me that she is fit to be promoted to the status of transitor."

This got polite applause from most of the nonda and wild cheering from the tyro's little alcove.

But, as I turned bright red and smiled my thanks around the room, I noticed Quaro-Deryn giving Kiernonda a significant nod. You could tell that this was what he'd been waiting for. Everyone fell silent as Kiernonda stood up and walked down the length of the room to the doorway. There he drew his dagger and struck the gong with its hilt.

"In accordance with the ancient rites and Precepts of the Edifice," he said, "I hereby challenge this new transitor to a personal honour duel."

Zalibar sat in silence for a moment. "Nobody denies you the right to make such a challenge..." he said at last, and I could tell he was choosing his words carefully... "but I strongly advise you against it. There is little honour to be gained for a nonda challenging a tyro in this way and there is a danger that it will make you look petty."

Kiernonda glanced briefly at Quaro-Deryn before clearing his throat and saying: "I hear your advice, Sir, but I must, nonetheless, insist on satisfaction of my demand."

"Very well," Zalibar replied simply then he gave Carodoc a nod. The head tyro marched across the silent Great Hall, drew the dagger from his belt and handed it to me.

"You need to go and strike the gong with the hilt to formally accept the challenge," he told me.

Of course I hesitated.

"Just do it," he whispered. "You don't have any choice. I'll explain later."

So I took the dagger and walked up to the gong. I was about to strike it but then I paused. When I turned to face Kiernonda, the silence in the room seemed to deepen.

"Don't forget for a second that you're not just bullying a noviate tyro here," I told him coolly. "You know as well as I do that Zalibar has promoted me to transitor because of what I've done and what he thinks I'm capable of doing. If you want a duel, you will have one."

I held his eye for a few moments more. He didn't say anything and I was pleased to see that he turned a bit paler. Only then did I turn and strike the gong.

The room remained silent as I returned to my place. Carodoc didn't say anything but he gave me an encouraging smile.

"The duel will take place in the Henge on Saturday," Zalibar announced formally. "Quaro-Deryn and Carodoc are to act as seconds. Is that acceptable?" He looked around and all four of us nodded our agreement. "Until then, combatants and seconds are relieved of all other duties. Seconds are to meet in my quarters in one hour to coordinate training schedules to avoid clashes. Until then, combatants are confined to their quarters."

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