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"You think you could give me a warning in the future or something" I groaned as I sat face to face in front he white creature thing. It looked a bit less shiny than usual though. We also had a table that we sat around this time, which was new. But guess what, it was also white. How can these things like the color white so much? It's a bit tacky if you ask me.

"By the way, do you have a name?" I added, I was really tired of just calling it a white creature thing. It's too many syllables. Why speak many word when few word do trick?

"I do give you a warning. I could just summon you here instead of letting you float up first. Also, you may call me Elder Richard" Richard said in his usual loud booming voice.

"Can I call you Dick?" I asked with a comically large grin.


"Well you're no fun Dick" I grumbled. "Anyways, why am I here?"

"I wanted to talk to you about this Zayn fellow. I hope you have taken my advice by staying away from him"

"Uh, why?"

"After further research, it appears he is indeed your soulmate, which is why he can see and interact with you as if you are human. However, the dead and the living are supposed to be separate. You are not supposed to be near him at all especially since your souls want to mix, but dead and living souls cannot mix. As emotional connections between two soulmates grow stronger, the souls are closer and closer to mixing. If you go anywhere near Zayn, your emotional connections may grow even stronger. If this connection grows too strong, it will result in either you fully coming back to life, or Zayn dying and becoming a ghost with you so that your souls will mix properly"

"He could die? Oh fuck. I've fucked up Dick. Is this why the rest of my friends have been able to see me in human form lately? First, they could only see me when I cried, but by the end of today, just before you summoned me actually, they could all see me without even having to cry" I leaned my head against the table in frustration. I can't believe I've been endangering Zayn's life this whole time!

"What? Are you telling me you haven't been staying away from Zayn?" The figure asked, slowly turning a bluer shade.

"That's exactly what I'm saying Dick! What have I done! He could die and it's all my fault!" I cried.

"Oh dear. I've never had to deal with a case quite like this one. You were supposed to follow my orders. I don't know why other humans would be able to see you at random times. That's not supposed to happen, but then of course you were supposed to follow my orders. We've only ever had three cases in which living and dead souls interacted with each other. In two of the three cases, it results in death on both sides. In the third case, the dead soul came back to life. But none of the cases ever had outsiders see them..." Dick rambled on, turning a deeper shade of blue by the second.

"Ok, ok, I get it, I fucked up! What do I do?" I asked, tired of Dick mumbling on about weird stuff.

"You must stay away from Zayn for real this time. And all of your friends that have been able to see you too. You must stay away from all of them. I will try to appeal to the court higher councils to speed up the decision with the elders so that we can get you sorted out as fast as possible. For the meantime, Stay. Away. From. Everyone." Dick spat, inching his face closer to mine with each word he spoke.

"But how am I supposed to live without Zayn? He's the only thing keeping me sane anymore"

"If you want to risk the chance of Zayn dying, be my gue-"

"Fine, fine!" I groaned. This is horrible. "I'll do it to keep Zayn safe"

"Good. Now I'll talk to you soon. Be good for the meantime" Dick vanished and my surroundings slowly dissipated back into Louis's closet.

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