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When we finally got to the hotel, I collapsed onto my bed. It was much comfier than the tour bus beds. I tried my hardest to fall asleep since I haven't gotten more than 10 hours of sleep all week. However, I once again am unable to fall asleep and I hate being left alone with my own thoughts. I could go over to Harry's now but they've all already been there for the past hour and a half. They're probably all doing something fun together and don't want me there, I'd just be intruding. But if I don't show up at all, Harry will probably make some snarky comment about it later.

I blasted some music in my room to avoid my problems for a little while longer until I realized the concert was only 2 hours away. Maybe I should show up to Harry's for a tiny bit to at least pretend I like hanging out with them, so I decided to shoot Zayn a text to see what they were doing. He's the best one to text because he won't get up in your business and he also won't tell the other boys if I've texted him.

To: Zexy Zaynie:

wot r u guys doing at haz's ? x

From: Zexy Zaynie:

Blindfold Fifa

To: Zexy Zaynie:

oh ok

I threw my phone onto the other side of the bed. There goes that. You can't really play blindfold fifa with 5 people. It's best with 4 because you can split into teams of two. One person on each team will be blind folded while the other will direct you on what to do. We've tried it before with the 5 of usand it never goes well for the team with 3 people. I mean, the whole game in general never goes well but it can be fun still sometimes. I began to debate going down to the hotel bar to get buzzed when I heard my phone buzz. I groan and grab my phone. Despite being in one of the biggest boy bands ever, I don't really get many texts and things so my heart always jumps a little bit when I do get one. But my phone is just too far away. I have to get up a little bit if I want to reach it. The horror, I know. But I forced myself to do it so don't worry.

From: Zexy Zaynie

Are you coming? xx

To: Zexy Zaynie

nah m8, can't play w 5 players

From: Zexy Zaynie

No I really need your help Niall. Lou and I are rubbish as a team :(

To: Zexy Zaynie:

idunno m8

From: Zexy Zaynie

Please? x

I sighed and pushed myself up from the bed again. Not sure if I'm up to dealing with all their yelling in fifa right now. But I guess I'll show up to please Zayn and possibly Harry.

I sauntered to Harry's room and waited outside a second to gather myself. Pretending can be exhausting sometimes.

"My presence has been requested!" I exclaimed with a grin as I burst into Harry's room. The boy's faces light up a bit when I walk in and it makes me feel a bit better. Lou and Harry appeared to be the ones blindfolded as Zayn guides Lou and Liam guides Harry. But Harry and Liam are winning by 3 points.

"Niall!" Zayn smiled

"Was worried you were gonna stand us up" Harry grinned beneath his blindfold.

"Course not Haz. " I waved him off despite the fact that he can't see it and I definitely was. Part of me was telling myself to breakout into our song "Stand Up" but I pushed that thought aside. Old me probably would have but I don't really have the energy right now and the boys would probably just groan at me anyways.

flicker of hope [ziall]Where stories live. Discover now