Why did you leave?

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*Tick* *Tock* *Tick* *Tock* *Tick* *Tock*

The sounds resonated in my head as fear ran through my spine. I peered over to my alarm clock which read 1:40AM. I attempted to sleep but couldn't get a wink of rest, although I originally was going to set my alarm for 1:50AM and wake up then.

I should probably grab my bags, put them in one place.

I reached for the bags, that I had stuffed in my wardrobe, and remembered to put the sticky note on my window to let Kuroo and Kenma know I'd left. Before leaving, I grabbed the note I had written for my mother and read it;


Hi mum,

I don't think there is much point in writing this. This isn't really meant for you, more for the police but just want to let you all know I'm running away, forever. I'm not coming back. I don't intend on ever coming back. You never cared about me, the true me, my feelings, just gave me my 'human needs' I guess. It really hurts, how much pain you and my father have thrown onto me. I didn't ask to live. I didn't ask for you both to be like this, for me to be, look , feel and hurt like this. Never have you taken into account the pain of being in the middle of this, that if I was gone, you wouldn't have to deal with my father.

All of those times you told me to die! That I was a burden! And now! Now I'll be gone from your life forever! You'll never have to worry about me, ever again. I won't miss you, but I will miss being able to believe that I ever... had a mother, but, I guess it was just a false hope I climbed onto for too long. I mean, everyone grows up don't they? Looks like I did too.. whilst doing so, I realised just how cruel you were. I TRICKED MYSELF MUM! I TRICKED MYSELF INTO BELIEVING I HAD A MOTHER, A KIND MOTHER, I.. Don't... and, I never will..

I guess this is farewell then..



I hid the note back into my wardrobe, knowing if I'd left it on the table, she'd rip it apart to avoid the police from finding it. my hand opened the window slowly to avoid making as much noise as possible and made my way onto the window's ledge. There I sat dangling my legs off for a few seconds.

Bye, mother. I hope you understand that this was all your fault, which you probably won't but I don't care, as long as I never have to see you again.

A tear fell from my face unexpectedly, as I reached for my eye, and accepted my sorrow.

Why? Why couldn't you be a good mother? Not even for me?

I crept onto the small roof, that gave shelter to the front door of our house and jumped down. With the bags on my shoulders, I made a run for it, afraid that my mother would see me, somehow, out of her window. The thousands of Yen I took from our safe, that I felt incredibly guilty for, would be put in good use. I took the time to recap the route,

To go to YYY street, where me, Kenma and Kuroo will meet, I have to go to SSS street first, then BBB street.

And with that, I'd reached the area where the path/road split into two. Left being SSS street, and right being KKK street. I looked at both signs and instantly knew which direction I should head towards...

I turned right.


*Kuroo and Kenma's POV (2nd person)*


"Okay at first I thought she might have been a little late or something, but we need to check up on her." Kuroo worried.

"Yeah let's go, it's been too long."

Kuroo and Kenma ran to your house, which was a few minutes away. They took the precaution of not using the car, for it would create noise and light. Kenma held the ladder as Kuroo climbed up, to see no one in your bed, and the sticky note already placed. He read the note out loud, eyes widened, because what was written on the note, wasn't what he asked you to write;

"Sorry but I've left. I don't want to stay with you."

Kenma's eyes widened at your perfect word choice, "to the police, it would look like it was directed at her mother, but.."

Kuroo climbed down the ladder slowly, and walked back with his eyes glued to the floor.

"Kuroo.." Kenma became concerned for Kuroo's silent cries.

"Why did you leave, Y/N?" Kuroo hiccuped, "Why leave your hug buddy all alone?"


Author note: omg I cried writing that letter just the pain, I'm in so much pain right now. It hurts. But I hope y'all enjoyed this, I'm listening to 'old enough to understand' it's a Violet Evergarden edit and it hurts. 💔 😭

If y'all hate the cliffhangers please forgive me I'm sorry, I just feel it, like it's the best time to add it. I'm sorry if it troubles any of you. I'm incredibly sorry I'm having a mood swing right now, it's around midnight right now, yes I stayed up to write this. Love y'all! ❤️❤️❤️

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