All Eyes On Me

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The light rainfall on the damp streets of General City is soothing and distracting, compelling everyone there to stop whatever it is they're doing and start listening to the relaxing lofi music playing everywhere

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The light rainfall on the damp streets of General City is soothing and distracting, compelling everyone there to stop whatever it is they're doing and start listening to the relaxing lofi music playing everywhere. That is exactly what a young man leaning on the side of his small airship was doing. He had his earphones on, bopping his head and enjoying the night, when suddenly his music stops and he receives a vocal message: "He's here."

A tall menacing figure in a fedora and an overcoat was walking in the rain, his face hidden in the darkness. The penetrating gaze of people walking past him was brutal, it was as if they've seen death himself, it didn't bother him.

The figure kept walking until he entered a diner, noticing a man's crystal blue eyes staring right at him from the darkest corner of the place. He went there and sat down facing him. A waitress soon came and asked them to take their orders, but the blue-eyed man gave her a look that sent her away.

"How long has it been? 15 years? 20 years? It's good to see you again, Hub." he said with a smile on his face.

Hub: "Cut the fluff, will you FM? I know you invited me here for a mission. And I came here to deny IT and deny YOU, and cut my ties with the TFS task force once and for all."

FM stepped out of the shadows, revealing himself, "So you dress up all nice and walk all the way out here in the rain just to tell me you won't do it? We both know you're interested."

Hub: "So you really do have a mission for really never change, FM."

FM: "What can I say, I really like enticing folks."

Hub: "What I meant was that you're as horrible as ever. The reason I am the way that I am now, is because of you and that maniac general Angelite, and of course that bloody Bilbo."

FM: "I didn't call you here for no reason, Dweller. I'm doing you a favor. I'll tell you your mission IF you choose to accept it. Don't think that I don't know of your job as a bounty hunter after leaving the task force"

Hub, clearly furious, slammed his fist onto the table, "I accept it, now tell me!"

FM: "That's all I wanted to hear. Your mission is very simple; you will retrieve a certain doctor for us. His name is Dr. Medley, infamous for his "controversial" works on bio-mechanics, and the TFS task force is in need of his skills at the moment. You will be assigned your own team of course."

Hub: "That's it? THAT is why you called me here?! Who the hell do you think you are to waste me time?!"

FM: "If you would let me finish, know, we're not the only ones going after the doctor. Assassins, bounty hunters and businessmen from all over the galaxy have been tracking him down for years. One of which, I recently got confirmation, was the accursed Salem, your mortal enemy."

As soon as FM finished talking, tendrils were emerging from Hub's covered visage wriggling in an uneasy way. A toothy grin was shining from under his hat as he said : "Salem?....Now that's a name I haven't heard in a very long time..."

FM: "So, are you in for one last mission old buddy?"

Hub: "You have such a way with"

"Fantastic." said FM, then soon got his watch closer to his mouth and whispered "It's done." he then turned to Hub Dweller again and said "By the way, your team is composed of many familiar faces, except for one rookie called Foonish. He takes after the Blue Tyrone Henki, considering he idolizes him."

Hub: "Heh, that 'Blue Tyrone' was still suckling his thumb when I was in my prime...grade-A agents today are a disgrace when compared to us back in the day."

Fm: "I couldn't agree more... Oh and before I forget, Elika Pika will be accompanying you to your ship where she'll explain further details about the mission. Good luck out there."

As Hub was about to stand up and walk out, his hat fell off, revealing his head to be made of nothing but slimy slithering tentacles, various sets of eyes and an amalgamation of teeth all combined and wrapped up into a monstrous lovecraftian assemblage, terrifying anyone looking at him from the diner's window and scaring the waitress half to death. As he went to pick his hat up, his fingers were the exact same, meaning this was in fact what his entire body looked like.

Dweller continued walking in the rain, alone on a bridge, when suddenly the lampposts beside him start to flicker unusually. Visible lighting was seen traveling from one lamppost to another until it reached him, which then descended down and morphed into a spry young woman in a well-tailored uniform with short blond hair. "Sorry for being late, sir! I humbly apologize, sir! I'm the agent general FM told you about, sir! Special agent Elika Pika reporting for duty, SIR!"

"Alright alright, you can tone down the enthusiasm a bit kid. I've heard about you back when I was still an official agent, but I never got to work with you. How do you look so young?" said Hub while scratching his head

Pika: "I've trained in the arts of mudae, sir. It sucks your soul out sure but once you master it, you kinda have permanent smooth skin, sir."

Dweller then shrugged and said "If you say so. Now if you don't mind, lead the way."

As the two of them continued walking on the bridge, the rain stopped, and while that would usually be considered a good omen, the grimy werewolf silently observing them from afar begs to differ.

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