You Didn't Win

14 19 117

February 13th, 2018

8:30 pm

Crystal and Dorothy sat at the dinner table, quietly eating. The house was quiet, the only noise that could be heard was the clinking of the bowls that they were eating their food out of. The ice that sat in their drinks, slowly melted, the water blending in with the lemonade that Crystal made earlier.

All was well, until Dorothy felt a sharp pain in her third eye. She dropped her spoon in pain, pressing up against the bowl, then the floor.

"The hell--" Crystal cursed out, then looking at Dorothy who sprinted out of her seat, almost to the ground. She hurried after her, grabbing ahold of her weight before she hit the ground.

"Dorothy--are you ok?!" She panicked to ask, Dorothy clutching onto her. She dug her nails into the blondie, which made her worry even more. Dorothy's eyes were peeled open, her pupils even dilated with fear.

"It's ok, it's ok." she repeated, directly the shocked girl to the side of the couch where she could relax and catch her breath. Crystal tried her best to stay calm, holding on the girl as she carefully set her down. This has never happened before, whatever was even happening.

"Dorothy? Can you speak?" Crystal's voice cracked, more concerned entering her body as she continued to stare at her. Finally, she let go of Crystal, leaving deep nail marks in her arm, while her eyes finally relaxed, and her heartbeat calmed down. She was able to catch her breath.

"I--My head--" she hiccuped.

"Just breath." She informed her.

Dorothy nodded, taking a few more seconds to fully come back. She stared at the blondie. "I just got a flashback--like a vision?" she questioned what she was saying. "I saw it with my third eye." she pointed to her forehead, right in the middle of where it was supposed to be.

"What did you see?" Crystal questioned her.

"I saw.." her voice trailed off, trying to recall what she witnessed.

"I saw a bunch of people go through the portal to the other side." she said. "Not just any people-Our friends. Well Luna's friends." she added. "Luna?" Crystal's eyes widened. "Why are they going through the portal if it's in bad shape?" she questioned the girl some more.

Dorothy shrugged. "I'm not sure--the only sense of direction I got from them is that they're going to see Drew. The one that you killed." Crystal rolled her eyes. "Why the hell are they going to that monster? Killed him for a reason." then her eyes widened even more, she sat up.

"Tell me they weren't going over there to bring that dickhead back. He's not good news." Crystal shrugs, "I don't know, I was more focused on the knife that was piercing through my head." she sighs, Crystal looks over at her with worry. "Let's go find out."

Crystal attempts to run out the door, though Dorothy grabs her. "Are you crazy? We're not going over there! What if--what if we die?" Crystal shakes her head. "Luna is over there. I've waited far too long without her. I'm going through that portal--"

"With what help!? You're a hybrid." Dorothy snapped, anger boiling through her blood. A sting of jealousy hit her. Crystal tilted her head at her. "I thought we made it clear that you help me figure out a way to bring Luna back if I--"

"If you what? Pay it in return with sex?" She questioned, a slight raise in her voice. Crystal's face drops, unable to believe the words that just left Dorothy's mouth. "Are you serious right now Dorothy?! Quit being selfish, and just come with me!" she grabs Dorothy's hand, though the woman slaps it away.

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