Two Days

19 19 17

February 12th, 2018

11:00 am

"I've done it!" Xavier bursts through the doors in the early near noon morning, awaking everyone from their deep slumber. Madeline fell off her window seal, Drew shuffled in his office chair, and Luna just slowly opened her eyes from the blood couch.

"What?" Drew asks, confused.

"I know why we're gonna die in two days!" He said happily, and that only caused Madeline to fall off her window again. "TWO DAYS?!" She bolts up, along with Luna and Drew who were both confused.

Xavier seemed in a weirder mood then usual. By weird, everyone meant that Xavier was somehow showing any other emotion other than being angry and emotionless all the time. More so, interested in whatever he was about to explain to the three of them.

"Look--I know I sound crazy but--"

"YEAH! You kinda do." Luna interrupts. Xavier's eyes widened at the sight. He takes a moment, fluttering his eyes open and close before resuming on what he was saying before.

"Ok, I get that but yes we might die in two days and before one of you interrupt me again I'll explain why, but you're going to have to follow me." Xavier says, and before anyone could interrupt him again, he was already out of the room, signaling the others to follow him.

They followed him down the hallway, curiously wondering where the man was taking them, only for their legs to lead them to the front entrance of the Academy. Leading straight back to the raging storm that continued for countless months.

"Put these on." he simply said, pulling out four raincoats for the four of them, handing one to each of them. The three of them still looked at the man, confused but didn't hesitate to throw the protection on.

Xavier then took out 2 lanterns, that glowed brightly, so bright that it could blind you if you stared at it for too long. He then closed them and handed one to Drew. "Hold that so that we know where we are going."

Then with that, Xavier opened the door to the wet storm that took place outside, the rest of them piling out from behind him.

It was harder to hear outside, which caused the four of them to yell to each other once again like last time. "WHERE ARE WE GOING?" Drew screamed to him as they followed Xavier.


The wind was howling in Madeline and Luna's ears, causing them to start to throb in pain as they continued to walk down the path. Madeline tried her best to squint her eyes open, following the bright yellow rain jacket that Luna wore. She was trying her best to not fall behind, as there were tons of broken branches poking out from the mud that had been struck off by the lightning that erupted every few minutes.

The coat that the four of them had been wearing wasn't doing that much protection for them after all as their clothes were soaked, and water dripped down from their face and into their mouth and eyes.

Once they arrived at the lava pit, the lava that glowed off their faces, soothed the shivering taste that tingles through Madeline's body. She had her arms crossed by her torso, trying to preserve any last warmth that she had radiated off her body.

Around the lava pit was a wall of stone that had formed a cave that struck unfinished. Direct rain would still dive into the lava, causing the lava to sizzle.

"SO are you going to share with us this crazy reasoning?" Drew suddenly asked, staring at Xavier who was stuck in a loop of fear.

"Right." he clears his throat over the rain. "I read somewhere that the other side well--simply dying."

The statement didn't shock anyone that was hovered around a circle.

"Tell us something we don't know." Luna snaps, and Xavier rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed. "I know but do you know the reason smartie pants?" he then asked, and looked at Luna as he waited for an answer.

"Hm, no." she finally said.

A small smile appeared on Xavier's face. "Exactly so--"

"JUST FUCKING TELL US!" Drew suddenly screamed, causing Madeline to jump.

He scoffed.

"The other side has been around for ages. Since time, it was known that whenever a supernatural--mythical creature thingy--whatever you wanna call it died, you would go to the other side."

"Every few centuries, whoever is in charge on the other side, it was always passed down by whoever like how Luna was in charge, then when she died no one was in charge, so I took charge, and then I gave it to you."

"So when did the storms start?" Luna asked.

Xavier turned back towards her. "Right when I left, and Drew was in charge."

"Is me being in charge of the other side having any purpose to why the storms began?" Drew asked. The worry that filled his eyes, burned in the lava, the sweat that was beginning to grow around the edges of his forehead.

"Not exactly. You see, each witch consumes different amounts of power. Where Luna at the time had a lot compared to the power you hold now, you didn't have enough power to control the other side. Not only that, but the other side is so old, it loses control easily now." Xavier told Drew.

Drew sighed.

"Storms on the other side are not rare to us. It storms a lot in the summer, which is normal, though it is storming every second of the day, giving us no clear indication of what time of day it is, because it is so dark, it is not normal." he went on.

"So the storms are just happening because of old age?" Madeline asks and Xavier nods. "So what does the lava have to do with it? Is it feeding off of the storm like Drew said?"

Xavier nods again, more sweat dripping down their faces. He went down further in the lava. "As the days go by, this pit of lava is getting bigger and expanding, and this medium sized pool of lava is going to expand to the entire land of the other side, in the span of two days I estimated."

Madeline gasped, making away as she just now noticed how the lava glossed into the cracks of the stone that they were standing on. Xavier was right, the lava was slowly eating the land. "So how are we gonna get it to stop?" Drew then asked.

"The only way to make it stop is to perform the most powerful spell ever. It has to be done by the most powerful witch ever. The one that we have access to--"

"Hazel." Drew finishes.

Xavier cringes at the name, though slowly nods. "Correct."

Madeline and Luna back away. "No way.." she whispers. "Hazel can't do that spell. She's not gonna do shit for the two of you." Luna explains. "She hates you guys."

Xavier and Drew stare at each other, a smirk appearing on both of their faces. "Oh we know." Drew says finally, turning to the two girls.

"Which is why I'm gonna pass a quick visit to her." Drew says with a laugh. Xavier claps his hands together.

Luna's eyes widened, her stomach dropping as more of the rain poured onto her face. She looked Drew in the eye, noticing whatever sorrow he had or fear for the future events, were now dissolved into thin air.

"Drew you're not gonna lay a finger on her--" though before Luna could finish Drew was already gone.

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