Job Search

23 20 51

February 9th, 2018

5:30 pm

Days went by, and the two men were still not having any luck with finding a job, Zen at least.

Eli didn't really have a job, he kinda just survived. He was a vampire, if he really needed anything, he'd use his mind compulsion to get it. Though, he still wanted to be a good friend, and help Zen out.


However, after driving through many cities, going to interviews, phone calls, emails, and more, by the end of the day, Zen hurried to take his black tie off, that he had been wearing for three days straight, collapsing on the couch. Eli followed behind him shortly after.

"Well these past days have really eaten your ass, huh?" Eli asks, trying to make the most of it. Zen sighed, laughing into his hands. Small balls of sweat were built up around the edges of Zen's neck, Eli could tell from the bright light that reflected from Ashley's kitchen.

"I'd say so. I guess I can't get a job right now." Zen replies, the small boy looked exhausted, he was sure he felt it too.

Eli glossed carelessly at Zen. He felt bad for all the work that the helpless boy had put in, just for nothing to work. Part of Eli blamed himself. If he hadn't gone on that short lunch break with him, that turned into five hours, he wouldn't have gotten fired.

But another part of him told him that he didn't need to worry, because of the fact that the hotel boy was just going to come with Eli back to Indiana with him, and everything would work out the way that it should.

It still irked Eli, Luna's death. Afterall, even after everything the two of them have been through, he still misses her. It felt like a part of him was missing. A very important part that truly made him, well him.

He wanted to let go, more than anything. Then again, did he really have the right to miss someone that he was killed by?

Surely not, right?

But Eli couldn't shake that feeling, or any feeling actually. He simply was just confused.

Short answer, he missed her. More than anything.

Though at least I have Zen.

"We've only been searching for three days, Zen, c'mon you can't give up that easily." the dirty blonde boy suggests. He wasn't sure how to comfort him, rather than just give some cheesy "never give up" signals. However, what else was there good to comfort him with? Break out into a song, and dance around the kitchen to it?

The smaller boy shakes his head, sinking further into the couch. He let out a long sigh, throwing his black tie onto the coffee table in front of them, and unbuttoning the white blouse that he wore under his black coat.

Eli tried his best not to state, instead just keep staring at his hands, and beat himself up for not being able to help his friend properly. "Look--maybe we can--" Eli stops himself, suddenly figuring out a great idea.

"Oh my god, Zen, I have it!" Eli says, throwing himself off the couch, back onto his feet.

Zen was shocked by the random energy in the room, his eyes widening as he stared at the thrilled man. "What is it?"

"I know this sounds like cheating, but what if we used my mind compulsion to trick the workers into thinking you're already working there! Like just go up to the front desk and tell the managers or whoever is in charge, tell them that you've started to work there, then they'll tell the workers and you'll have a job!" Eli cheers.

Zen stares at Eli, shocked and surprised. "That is.."

He pauses for a second.

"Eli isn't that illegal in the vampire book?! Literally using people to get what you want? For money, wealth, ANYTHING?" Zen talked what seemed like million words per second.

Eli grins, shaking his head. "Zen, there's no such thing as a "illegal vampire book" we simply take what we want, and no harm done--unless you want harm done."

Zen scoffs, looking away, trying to tell his brain to not eat into whatever Eli was saying, but the luck they were having wasn't the best, and Zen could use anything he could get. But still, the small poor boy felt guilty.

He opens his mouth to say something, only for Bianca and Jackson to walk into the house. "Hey guys." Jackson says.

The two of them were holding a couple of grocery bags each, filled with what seemed to be picnic supplies.

"Oh--hey," Zen panicked to put his coat back on, and swing his tie over. Bianca waved, walking over to the kitchen to put the heavy bags down. "How was the job interview? Find anything you like?" She asked.

She then walked past Eli and Zen, a whiff of perfume filling the two boys' noses. It was a tangy peach scent--with pine? It was an odd combo, but Bianca seemed fine with it.

Zen's face sank in disappointment by the question. "Lots of them I liked, I just didn't get into any of them." Bianca frowns, feeling slightly sorry for the boy. "That's too bad. There's always tomorrow. Do you know why they're not accepting you?"

Eli watched as Bianca and Jackson whispered back and forth to each other, seeming to not listen to what Zen was saying. Eli clears his throat loudly.

"Guys--tell me--do you think using mind compulsion to get a job is bad? Like it's against illegal vampire rules?" Eli looked directly at Jackson when he asked the question.

Jackson hesitates, stealing a look at Bianca who was glaring straight at him. He tried to open his mouth but Bianca interrupted him. "Using mind compulsion to be wealthy and not poor? Doesn't sound half bad to the time I broke out of a mental hospital because Jackson used mind compulsion on all of them to let me go."

The two stared at each other, Jackson's face blushing as he shook her shoulders with a laugh. "At least you actually got out?"

"Yeah, right after you injected me with--"

"ALRIGHT! Fine, Eli, we'll try your idea. We'll just have to decide who we want to do it on."

Eli claps joyfully, jumping up and down like a little kid getting candy.

"We'll start tomorrow."

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